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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 15

Fraser was power, rich and willful...

All the people raised their glasses to Fraser, shouting and cheering for his magnanimity. Only Filip and others were gloomy.

When Fraser returned to the VIP booth, Filip suddenly woke up and looked at Fraser with cold eyes, "How dare you frame me?"

"I said, you can't afford to play some games, and you can't afford to offend some people." Fraser shrugged and said.

"Waiter, give him my bill." Fraser called the waiter over and pointed to Filip.

Filip was ferocious on face and kicked at the waiter, “Get out of my way! Why should I pay the bill?"

"That loser said that and he should pay." Filip cursed loudly.

"Who will pay?" The waiter looked at Filip and later at Fraser, and then he went to the manager.

As soon as the waiter left, Fraser became anxious.

He took a look at the bill and found the total bill unexpectedly was more than two million. Both Filip and Fraser were scared.

Fuck, he could not handle it. If Filip refused to pay it, what should he do?

If his father owned this bar, it would be ok. What if he didn't?

"Filip, are you a man or not? Can’t you even afford a game?" Fraser swore directly.

Filip staggered over and pointed to Fraser's nose, “Yes, I just can't afford to it."

Filip showed a sinister smile, thinking Fraser could not do anything to him.

It was obviously a bluff.

Jay stood up and said, "My friend, you are too sinister. Filip promised to pay the bill for your friend, but are those people all your friends? I'm afraid you can't even name them."

"Yes, you framed on me first." Filip said.

When Fraser was helpless, Grace spoke after being silent for a long while with a smile, “Who set the rule that making a friend must know each other's name?"

"Will you pay the bill or not?" Grace's face darkened.

Filip took a look at Grace, suddenly burst in to laughter, “Little girl, I will not pay this bill."

"If you don't feel good, you can hit me!"

As Filip finished his words, Grace grabbed the empty bottle of the royal salute and hit it on the head of Filip.

"How dare you hit my friend!"

"Bitch, do you know who my friend is?"

Jay and Zach stood up at the same time, staring at Grace.

Grace clapped hands unhurriedly, “I don’t care who he is. He said I can hit him if I don’t feel good. I don’t feel good, so I hit him, is there a problem?"

"Jay, Zach, hit her!" Filip shouted lying on the ground.

"But..." Jay and Zach hesitated. They were told by their families that they cannot make a trouble in The Old Days.

"Fuck, I'll take the blame!"

Since Filip would take the responsibility, Jay and Zach did not fear.

Whatever happened would be Filip’s responsibility.

Jay and Zach moved, regardless of Grace was a woman. Fraser helped.

After Filip got up from the ground, he grabbed an empty bottle and brandished it toward Fraser's head.

"Son of bitch, I put up with you for a long time. You just won a lottery ticket. Big deal! "

With a bottle brandishing in Fraser's head, Filip shouted, “I kill you today!"

Just then, Grace’s man came back.

He saw Grace being hit and ran over like crazy. He punched Jay and Zach to the ground.

"Who the hell are you, even dare to hit me. Do you know who I am? My father is Samuel Marsh!" Zach lied on the ground and shouted loudly at Grace’s man.


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