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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 2

Fraser could hardly accept the fact for a moment, the richest in a small town was beyond his imagination, let alone the richest man in Dubai, UAE.

After a beep, the call ended. When Fraser called back, the phone was turned off.

“What’s wrong?” Fraser thought and then put the phone back into his pocket.

He withdrew 20,000 dollar from the ATM. Fraser looked at the money but could not hold back his tears again.

The suffering in the past three years was because he was poor. Now that he was rich, bad days should come to an end.

Fraser stood in front of the ATM for a long, long time...

With so much money all of a sudden, Fraser wondered whether he should do something.

If nothing happened last night, Fraser would definitely run to Luna and told Luna he liked her, and told her his new identity as a third-generation rich. But right now he gave it up.

Why didn't he find a place to relax himself as a man for the first time?

No way. He was so rich now, how can he find a street girl?

Then it was time for class. Fraser returned to the school.

"Fraser, what happened to you just now? You were in such a hurry. Is there something wrong?" Seeing Fraser's eyes were red, Tyler asked anxiously.

"Nothing. I bought a lottery last night and won some money." Fraser smiled and said.

On the way back to school, Fraser thought of countermeasures. He suddenly became rich, others would certainly ask why. Now his parents had not come back yet, Fraser did not want to expose his identity as a third-generation rich, so he found a cover and said he won the lottery.

Fraser's voice was so loud that many people in the class can hear him.

"Fraser, did you really win the lottery?"

"Tell me how much you won."

A few classmates gathered around, but Patrick hummed and said in disdain, “No more than a few hundred dollars."

A girl in the class said, "You never know. What if Fraser is lucky and won a million dollars."

Patrick snorted, “Have you ever heard the story of Fan Jin? If Fraser wins tens of thousands of dollars, he will go crazy, let alone millions."

"What if Fraser won tens of thousands?" Someone asked.

"Then I'll serve him and wash his feet." Patrick was confident that Fraser did not win too much.

At this time the teacher walked into the class, everyone returned to their seats. A few gossipy students were still talking about how much money Fraser had won.

Fraser, on the other hand, was so preoccupied with what to do that he didn't even pay attention to what the teacher said in class.

"It seems that Fraser really didn't win too much. If he had won much money, he would have stood up and proved Patrick wrong."

"Yeah, he won’t be so calm if otherwise."

"Why didn’t he buy himself some decent clothes with that money?"

"Look at his trousers. They're washed out." Stefan snorted.

"Perhaps he won dozens."

"Dozens of dollars would make him happy. That would be his earning for doing laundry for several days."

Gradually, the class stopped talking about Fraser winning the lottery.

Fraser was too calm to show any sign of victory.

It was not until after school that Fraser said, "Tyler, may I invite you for dinner?"

Since the beginning of the school, Tyler had been helping Fraser. Therefore Fraser wanted to thank him when he got rich.

Before Tyler could reply, Patrick stood up and said, "Hey, Fraser, it looks like you really won the lottery."

"You shouldn’t treat us differently. We live in the same dorm. Now that you invite Tyler to dinner, you should invite me and Stefan too." Patrick had a wicked smile on his face.

"Right, Patrick and I took care of you all the time." Stefan echoed.

Fraser sneered. Stefan and Patrick did not take care of him, but insulted him.

However, if he refused, he would offend them.

After a little hesitation, Fraser said, “Let’s go together."

"We are not going to the school cafeteria, are we?" Patrick said.

"Of course not, you name a place. I do not know which restaurant in Donhey is good. I only heard of Heyday Lotus, which seems to be quite famous. Shall we go there?" Fraser asked tentatively.


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