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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 3

"Fraser, let’s not go to Heyday Lotus, just find a restaurant nearby." Tyler advised.

"Yeah, there's no need to go to such a nice place. Just find a restaurant and it'll save you a lot of money. It would be nice if you could buy me clothes with the money you save." Ella rubbed Fraser's arm with her breasts.

It was so soft, so comfortable.

Fraser was a little intoxicated.

Fraser lived an oppressed life in the past three years. All the girls knew Fraser was poor that he needed to wash uniforms and serve his roommates for a living. The girls in the school avoided Fraser.

Unexpectedly after he was rich, a girl approached him.

"Even if I save money, there is no reason to buy clothes for you. You are not my girlfriend," he said to Ella.

Ella said, “Idiot, if you don't ask, how do I become your girlfriend?"

Fraser was not stupid and knew Ella's intention.

"Go to dinner in Heyday Lotus." Fraser smiled and said.

Stefan walked back to the classroom, shouting to Fraser, “All classmates are off, waiting for you."

"Let’s go!"

Ella took Fraser's arm and walked out. Tyler hesitated for a few seconds and followed.

Luna saw Fraser in a far distance. She frowned and asked Filip, “Filip, will Fraser join your gathering?"

Filip said yes.

"Can you say to Stefan, don't let this poor join in. I feel disgusting to see him." Luna said.

"No." Filip shook his head.


"You misunderstood him. It is not Stefan's treat, but Fraser's." Filip sneered, “Did not you expect that?"

"Filip, don't joke. He was as poor as a church mouse. How can he invite so many people to Heyday Lotus?" Luna showed a face of incredulity.

"He was lucky to win the lottery." Patrick grunted in an offended tone.

"Wow, how much did he win?" Luna asked with some butterflies in her stomach, she was afraid to hear Fraser hit the jackpot.

"Just twenty thousand dollars."

"Twenty thousand? My god, this idiot just win 20,000 dollar and dare to invite the whole class to Heyday Lotus. He can really show off." Luna showed a contemptuous smile.

But when Fraser approached, Luna's face felt hot.

Luna thought it was Stefan's treat at the beginning, so she agreed to join, and even took her two boudoir friends, Quinn Fletcher and Lacie Chang.

But it was Fraser's treat, shall she go or not?

Fraser saw Luna, but did not speak. He stopped a taxi and said to Filip, “I go first, you guys hurry up."

"What does he mean, not even say hello?" Seeing Fraser get on a taxi, Luna became angry from embarrassment.

"Luna, perhaps we should not go. It's their class reunion." Lacie said at this time.

Quinn looked embarrassed too, “Right, he didn't invite us. What if we were driven out?"

“He dares not!” Luna was in hesitation, but Quinn's words let Luna make up her mind all of a sudden.

"I don't believe he dares to drive us out, unless he dares to offend Filip." Luna looked at Filip with confidence.

"Get in the car. I'm here." Filip smiled and pressed the key to his BMW.

"Did you see just now, Ella is holding Fraser's arm, looking intimate." Someone said.

"We're not blind, of course we saw it. Ella is a famous vampire. She squeezes every penny in the pocket of the man she sticks to." Luna sat in the front-passenger seat of the BMW, with her mouth slightly raised.

She knew Fraser’s show-off wouldn’t last long.

About ten minutes later, the taxi driver stopped and said, "Here we are. It's ten dollars."

When Tyler reached out for his pocket, Fraser threw a hundred bill to the driver and said “keep the change!”

"Fraser, you can't spend money so recklessly. If you go on like this, 20,000 dollars will be gone before long." Tyler was earnestly educating Fraser.

"Tyler, don't worry. Actually I did not win twenty thousand, but two hundred thousand.” Fraser said in a low voice.

And this was heard by Ella.


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