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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 29

The location of The Old Days was remote. It took Fraser 50 yuan to take a taxi.

"If Filip doesn't give me the Porsche, I'll buy a car, but what kind of car I should buy?" Fraser said to himself as he stood at the door of The Old Days.

Although Fraser had driven a car since he was very young, he did not know anything about cars, especially luxury cars.

When he was a child, the luxury car in his eyes was BMW, Mercedes and Audi, but now he has more than 8 millions, he did not want those cars.

He would like to see whether Filip would give him the car or not.

Anyway, Fraser made up his mind this time. If Filip did not give him porsche, he would report him.

There were all kinds of expensive luxury cars parked at the door of The Old Days. Fraser said to himself, "I didn't expect the geographical location is so far away and so many people are still coming."

The more people came, the more he earned. When Fraser saw rows of luxury cars, he felt glad.

After waiting at the door for a while, he saw a red Ford pulled up in front of him.

Ella got off with a man and a woman.

"This is Michelle Lawson, my best friend. Isn’t she beautiful?" Ella said with a smile, holding the girl's arm.

Fraser nodded his head. The girl named Michelle Lawson was very quiet. She was the kind of girl who looked good at first glance, with long hair, skinny jeans and long legs. Fraser actually felt that he was not as tall as a girl.

"This name is Paul Stewart, my junior high school classmate, but now he quit and has a job now. Ella was clam to introduce Paul.

After Fraser introduced himself, everyone went into the bar together.

Grace would be late because the airport was too far to The Old Days.

As just entered the door, Paul eyes were bright, and he stopped, “This is The Old Days. It is fucking awesome, especially this dragon. I heard it is made of gold, which a lot."

The guest from other provinces and cities rather than the locals came to The Old Days. They were all attracted by the golden dragon.

Ella did not believe this dragon was made of pure gold but plated with a layer of gold. But even if it was gold-plated, it still cost a lot from its lifely carver.

Ella rolled at Paul, “Is this your first time to come to a bar. Don't look around, find a place to sit down!"

"I go to a bar every day, but it is my first time to The Old Day. The fucking consumption here is too high. It can not be afforded by ordinary people. It is for the rich second generation.”

After saying that, Paul looked at Fraser craftily, “Fraser, are you also a rich second generation?"

Fraser touched his head in embarrassement. How did he know that?

"I'm just kidding. I know you're not a rich second generation. You just won the lottery." Paul gave a compliated smile, “Those rich second generation will not play with us."

“What is the big deal with the rich second generation?" Said Ella.

"Fraser is not inferior than them." If it were not for Fraser repeatedly told Ella and asked her not to expose his indenty, Ella would now have talking about it.

That he spent more than two million to buy a house with full money can made all rich second generation in Donhey.

Neither Filip nor Jay had two million.

"Yes, Fraser's luck is not worse than theirs. Fraser, how about you buy a lottery ticket tomorrow and win another 500,000 yuan?" Paul said with a smile, which could not be told it was mocking or careless joke.

"Yes, I buy it every day, but I hit it once." Fraser said this and found a place to sit down.

The waiter came over and his expression was changed when he saw Fraser, “Man, you are here again."

"Yes, you do not welcome me?" Fraser smiled playfully. He was guessing in the heart whether this waiter knew his identity.

"Welcome, of course." The waiter smiled warmly, “Man, what would you like to drink? Set or a la carte, here's the wine list."

"You order it." Fraser pushed the wine list to Paul and Ella.

Paul first took over the wine list, “I will order, Fraser."

Fraser smiled slightly and did not care.


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