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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 30

The bald man headed toward the waiter with face ferocious, and was ready to have a fight.

This bald man was called Daniel Johnson. Although he was not a loca, he was a powful figure from other cities. In their place, no matter where he went, everone showed him repect.

But today in The Olds Days, he was earlier than Fraser and others, he did not get his wine, but Fraser had his all. Wasn't it obvious that he was despised?

"Daniel, come back and sit down!" At the table a man spoke, who seemed to be nobler than the bald man, and as soon as he spoke, the bald man sat back.

"Jasper, they humiliated us." The bald man was choked to say.

"Don't be impulsive, Donhey is not our territory." continued the man.

And the waiter that was scolded by bald man kept calm on the face. Even if the fierce bald man almost started fighting. There was no sign of fear in his face, and he did not apologize.

Fraser gave the waiter a tip, and the waiter smiled, “Thank you, boss."

"All right, you can go. Serve this table quickly, don't keep the clients waiting." Fraser patted the waiter on the shoulder.

"Ok, boss." The waiter nodded respectfully.

"My God, what did he call you?" Paul looked at Fraser in surprise, “Did this waiter called your boss?"

"You give him 200, he will also call your boss. You can try later." Fraser said with a smile.

Fraser did not notice that, but after the reminder of Paul, he realized that something was wrong and he looked like the boss here. And the waiter, too, behaved like his staff.

Fraser thought:

‘Does the waiter know who I am?’

Never mind. He had to confort the bald man and others, in case they were not happy and won’t come next time. And he would lose a client.

Fraser casually picked up a dozen of Budweiser and a bottle of royal salute and came to the bald man.

The balc man clentch his fist, staring at Fraser, “Boy, I don’t like you and want to punch you, and you come to us."

"Sorry about that. It's a misunderstanding. I came to apologize to you."

Fraser opened the Budweisers and gave each person a bottle, “Take a drink, and there are on me."

"What do you mean?" The bald man was confused.

"The waiter you scolded was my friend. He served me first by seeing I am here, so he neglected you."

"I apologize on behalf of my friend. Please come often to The Old Days." Fraser took the lead to drink half a bottle of Budweiser.

"Good drinker, boy." The man at the table was full of praise for Fraser.

"You take a drink, I am leaving." Fraser drank and returned to his seat.

"Jasper, this boy is interesting and generous to give us this wine worth several thousand." After Fraser left, the bald man smiled and said, "It is said that the rich second generation in Donhey is rich and powerful. I didn't believe till now."

"Daniel, does this boy look like a rich second generation?" The man, named Jasper, asked with his eyes narrowed and his eyes fixed on Fraser.

"Yes, and no."

"Look at that table of wine, it's not cheap, plus he gave us the royal salute. He is so generous. If he is not the rich second generation, he is the rich first generation." The bald man shook his head, “He is too young to reach the age of entrepreneurship."

"But he is lowly, which is not a behavior of a rich second generation." The bald was confused.

"You're right."

"Jasper, let’s drink and don’t care about a boy. Even if he is rich second generation, should we make friends with him?" Baldie smided in disdain.

"I don’t think so. The mysterious plutocrat was known only as the owner of the bar, but I heard he has a son."


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