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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 7

When Lacie finished, Quinn followed suit and said, "Yes, let's ask Fraser for help. He must have money."

"I won't call him. If it hadn't been for him, would we have been detained?" Luna hummed and got angry.

"He should be blamed. He framed us in order to pretend to be rich."

Hearing this, Quinn and Lacie were speechless. It was Filip should be blamed, why should Fraser should be blamed?

Although Fraser pretended to be rich, at least he had actual strength. But Filip can't afford to the bill and run away leaving his girlfriend there.

"You failed to call Filip. You can try to call Stefan and Patrick. Perhaps you can connect them" Lacie was as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"I'll try." Luna hurriedly took out a mobile phone to call Stefan and Patrick.

"Their phones are off, too." Luna frowned tightly and felt something was wrong.

It was understandable that one person's cell phone was power off, but something was wrong if three phones were power off at the same time.

"These bastards are going to leave us here!" Quinn said and clenched her teeth.

"Luna, your boyfriend is so unreliable."

"Yes, I should not have come. What should we do now?"

When Quinn and Lacie were complaining, the receptionist at the front desk came up to them. "Why does your friend come back now?" she said, "It is late, and I am going to off work.”

"If he doesn’t show up, I'll call the police." threatened the receptionist.

"Please don't. My boyfriend is on his way." Luna lied.

"Well, I'll give you another half an hour. If he doesn’t come back, I'll have to call the police." The receptionist said in coldness.

"What shall we do, Luna? I don't want to be in prison. I'd never been in prison in my life." Quinn shivered out of fright.

"Luna, you'd better call Fraser, Filip will certainly not come to save us." Lacie urged.

"All right."

Luna had no other choice but to call Fraser for help.

At that time Fraser was about to fall asleep. He hesitated to see Luna's call.

Thinking of the scene last night, Fraser felt sick. Since she had slept with Filip, why did she call him?

"How dare this fool hang up on me?" Luna bit her teeth in anger.

"You just won the lottery? Big deal." Luna said angrily.

"By the way, how much money exactly did Fraser win? He spent 80,000 for a meal. And he did not hesitate to pay the bill. Did he really win five million?”

"No way. If someone had won five million, he would have set off firecrackers nearby the lottery station for celebration. How could we not know that?"

"And the prize of five million should be collected in provincial city. He won at most several hundred thousand."

"How dared he spend money like that with several hundred thousand." Luna showed a series of disdain.

Quinn rolled her eyes at Luna, “What situation are we in now? Why are you laughing at him?"

"Luna, call Fraser again."

“Again?” Luna was not pleased.

"Do you really want to go to jail?" Quinn said angrily.

Luna sighed before she called Fraser, who answered this time but scolded, “Fuck, leave me alone!"

"Fraser, who are you scolding?" Luna roared on the phone.

"Luna? How is it you again. Why do you keep bothering me?" Fraser sounded annoyed.

Fearing a quarrel between Luna and Fraser, Quinn quickly grabbed the phone from Luna and ran to a corner, saying, "Fraser, we are trapped in the Heyday Lotus."

“What's the matter?” Hearing Quinn's voice, Fraser softened up a lot.

Quinn told the fact to Fraser. Fraser frowned and said, “Filip is bastard, how could he left you behind!"

"Yes, come to save us. They will call the police if do not pay the money." Quinn said anxiously.

As Fraser was about to say yes, he suddenly changed his mind.


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