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I Have a Tycoon Granpa novel Chapter 8

"Fraser won't come, forget about it." Luna said as she took out her mobile phone and called home.

"It is so late, my families have fallen asleep. What should we do?" Lacie couldn't get through to her parents' phone. She was so anxious.

Luna got through, but was scolded in the phone mercilily. Actually Luna’s family was not rich. In addition to daily expenses, they cannot save more than twenty or thirty thousand a year. But now Luna spent ten thousand for a meal.

"Luna, can you ask your father to bring ten thousand more? I will return it to you when my parents' phone call gets through tomorrow." Lacie looked at Luna.

Luna shook her head and said helplessly, “You can't expect me, my father just said on the phone that he will kill me."

"Right, Quinn, when did Fraser become your boyfriend? Why don't I know about it?" Luna joked to Quinn.

In fact, Luna did not believe Quinn's words at all, thinking that Quinn was just delaying time. But what was the meaning of delaying for ten minutes?

Quinn ignored Luna, looking at the entrance, looking forward to the arrival of Fraser.

"Lacie, can you borrow from Alipay?" Quinn suddenly reminded it and said to Lacie.

"I could only borrow 3,000 yuan and I had spent it all. What should I do?" Lacie's tears came to her eyes.

"Quinn, will Fraser really come?" Luna refused to help, Lacie and Quinn can only rely on Fraser.

"He will come." Quinn bit her lips and said in a low voice.

Ten minutes passed, Luna's father came.

"Dad, I am here!" Seeing her father, Luna was relieved.

Luna's father walked to the front desk and asked in a black face, "Are you a black shop? How can it cost ten thousand yuan just for a meal?"

"Here is the bill, Sir. Would you please have a look?" The receptionist printed a bill and handed it to Luna's father.

"One hundred and twelve thousand??” Luna's father almost fainted when he saw the bill.

"Yes, your daughter's box costs 112,000, but you only need to pay 10,000 yuan, and you can take your daughter away." The receptionist smiled and asked, "Cash or charge?"

Luna's father finished swiping the card and came to Luna.

With a loud sound, five fingers print left on Luna’s face.

"You prodigal child, I worked hard at the construction site and only earned three thousand yuan a month. And now you spent my salary for three months. Do you think you are a rich second generation?"

"Can an ordinary person afford the lobster, abalone, bird's nest and the lafite?!"

Luna's father's eyes were red. Every penny of his money was earned through hard work.

Luna was pain on the face, with tears coming from the eyes. Luna's father continued to scold, “Why are you still crying?"

Another slap was in Luna's face.

Her father was ferocious, so Quinn and Lacie dared not stop him.

Besides, they were in troubles too, they had no time to care about others.

"Come home with me, and I'll fix you when I get home!" Grabbing Luna by the collar, her father tugged her away.

At the door, Fraser happened to come across this scene and said, "Mr. Cooper, why are you here?"

"Get out of my way. It's none of your business." Luna's father scolded angrily. Since Fraser's parents disappeared, Luna’s father hated Fraser.

"Fraser, you are here." Quinn rushed to Fraser after seeing him.

"Sorry I'm late. It's really hard to get a taxi at this time of day." Fraser explained, wondering if he should buy a car.

Lacie ran to her, holding Fraser's arm, “Fraser, help me."

After getting the situation, Fraser smiled, looking at Lacie, “Why should I help you?"

"I'll pay you back when I have money, okay?"

"There's no reason I should lend it to you. Besides, if I lend it to you, how can you give back? To sell yourself?" Fraser laughed in a cold voice.

"Fraser, you are rude." Lacie darkened her face, “I will give back to you when I have it from my father."


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