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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 434

Chapter 434 


Frankie shook his head. I don’t know the specifics. All my dad said was that the new university president 

is already on campus.” 

hey the 

Avril overheard this. Leaning closer to Bonnie, she whispered, Tell me the truth, Bonnie. Are you the new 


Bonnie nodded. I didn’t want the position, but I couldn’t bear to turn Russell down.” 

PhewAvril let out a deep breath. She thought, I know Bonnie and the president were quite close, but 

this is still shocking.‘ 

When are you going to take over? Are they going to do some kind of ceremony?Avril asked excitedly. She was already imagining Bonnie standing on stage and giving a speech to everyone on campus

She glanced at Frankie and thought. Look at him, feeling so proud of himself. He’s going to look like a chump when he sees that Bonnie is the new president.’ 

I’m going to attend the meeting soon, but we’re not going to announce anything publicly. So, mum’s the 

word.Bonnie said, worried

Huh? Why, though? You’re going to be the new president. Why wouldn’t you announce it? It’s such an honorable feat!Avril couldn’t help but feel disappointed

Frowning, Bonnie responded, I won’t know peace if I do that. Everyone’s going to hound me relentlessly. Moreover, I wouldn’t have kept my identity as Bonita under wraps if I cared about being popular.” 

Then, it finally hit Avril. She’s right! Being the university president is an incredible feat, but it doesn’t hold a candle to her identity as Bonita! Ugh. I can’t stand it anymore. I have to share this news with someone.‘ 

Pulling out her phone, she sent Daken a text. The university has a new president, Dad.” 

Daken replied to her, Who’s that?” 



She felt much better when she saw her dad’s reply

It’d be 9 a.m. in ten minutes. So Bonnie rose and walked out of the lecture hall

Hold it, Bonnie!Frankie stopped her. Class is about to start soon. Where do you think you’re going?” 

Turning around, she said dryly, Mind your own business.” 

Then she went away to attend the meeting without so much as a glance at him

He was so angered by her reaction that his neck turned red

Keep acting cocky while you can. I’m going to tell Dad about your blatant disregard for the campus rules as soon as the new university president is here

Chapter 434 


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