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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 435

Chapter 435 


Bonnie’s the only student who never focused during lectures. She even skipped classes regularly.” 

Bonnie?Adan was stunned. He didn’t think Reece was trying to expel her

Exactly! Are you going to tell me that she’s never skipped your class?” 

Well, she did. However, her talents are miles ahead of everyone else! I’m not exaggerating here, but her gifts and skills in computer science were far above mine. I’ve got nothing to teach her. In fact, she could 

show me a pointer or two.” 

Reece replied, “How could you say such a thing? She’s just a student. You’re supposed to be teaching her

not the other way around!” 

Adan wasn’t fazed by it at all

Being a student doesn’t make her inferior, nor does being a teacher mean we’re better than her. Proficiency in scientific research doesn’t come with age

Take a look at Ms. Bonita. We might not know what she looks like, but we do know that she’s young. Are you going to pretend you know everything in front of her just because she’s a young lady?” 

That’s quite enough, Adan!Reece roared, You’ve got some nerve to take Ms. Bonita’s name in vain. How dare you compare her with that goodfornothing? Do you know what would happen if people from her research institute or Ms. Bonita herself overheard what you said?” 

The other professors and the top management personnel couldn’t take their bickering anymore and tried 

to defuse the situation

Stop it, both of you. The new president is going to be here soon. What’s she going to think about us when she sees you guys fighting over a student

As for that Bonnie character, you guys can bring it up for discussion when she’s here. She’ll decide if it’s necessary to expel this student.” 

The next thing they knew, Russell’s assistant came into the conference room

The new president is here. Please rise, everyone.” 

Everyone was brimming with curiosity

Who’s the new president? As far as I heard, it’s someone from the campus itself. However, every reputable figure in the university is already here. So, who in the world took over Russell’s place?’ 

Everyone was staring at the door with anticipation when Bonnie slowly appeared before them

The top management personnel gaped at her, especially Reece and Adan. Never had they thought that Bonnie could be the new president. For heaven’s sake, they were her professors

Greetings, I’m the new university president. My name’s Bonnie.She stood at the head of the table and introduced herself calmly

Chapter 435 


Silence hung over the conference room

It was so quiet that they could’ve heard a pin drop. None of them could believe what they were seeing. Some of them even subtly pinched their own thighs

Please be seated, everyone,she said before she pulled the chair out and sat down

Then she realized everyone was frozen to their spot. None of them moved a muscle

Are you guys going to stand there until the meeting adjourns?” 

Her words brought everyone back to their senses. All of them proceeded to take their seats, although 


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