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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 449

Chapter 449 

Bonnie didn’t go over there in a hurry. She sensed that something was off between Ivor and her cousin, Amy Howard

She was kind of far from them and couldn’t hear very clearly. So, she snuck in closer and pricked her ears

Amy’s face was red when she looked at Ivor. UmI love you! I want to be your girlfriend!” 

That stunned her

I know I have to watch out for other women, but I didn’t count on Amy confessing her love to him. She has some good looks, too. I wonder how Ivor’s going to respond to her?” 

Casting a glance at Ivor, she noticed how he carried the usual coldness in his expression. At that moment, he was the elusive man who always escaped a lady’s grasp

I would not have talked to you if you weren’t Bonnie’s cousin.” 

Amy clenched her fists and pursed her lips. Bonnie was just slightly prettier than me. She’s not cute, and she doesn’t like relying on men. AAlso, she’s always cold and distant. Are you honestly going to tell me that you want to spend your time trying to make her happy every day?” 

What a coincidence. I love it when she’s cold and distant to me.Ivor’s eyes were unwittingly filled with 

affection when he spoke

Amy didn’t think this would be his answer. He’s the wealthiest man in Pyralis, for Heaven’s sake! I didn’t count on him being this obsessed with his girlfriend.‘ 

What are you doing here, Ivor?Bonnie acted as if she had just arrived at the watermelon patch

The moment he saw her, he decided he had to explain what went down between him and Amy right away

Don’t misread the situation, Bonnie, I’d rather die than have any feelings for her. You’re the only lady I’ll 

ever love.” 

Amy felt as if someone had stabbed right through her heart

Bonnie didn’t know if she should laugh

There’s no way Ivor would fall in love with Amy in the first place. So, nothing’s ever coming out of it. I didn’t intend to expose anything

I didn’t count on him being so worried about me misreading the situation, though. He was very brutal with the way he handled things with Amy.” 

Oh. Let’s go. My dad wants to see you.” 

Sure.He took brisk steps forward and took her hands firmly

She had gotten used to it by now

I might as well let him do what he wants. He’s going to let me go as soon as he has his fill.” 

Chapte 449 

Her phone vibrated. It was William 

Hasn’t he returned to the SR League’s headquarters? Why is he calling me out of the blue? It’s midnight 


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