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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 452

“Come on, Jim. Don’t turn down my dad’s hospitality. He’s being hospitable by offering to slaughter a lamb and a chicken for you to eat tomorrow. I’ll get offended if you refuse.”

‘Jim has done so much to protect me. One of his most significant sacrifices is spending time with his family. I should find the time to visit them for a change.’

Since she put it that way, Jim had no good reason to reject Gerald. He looked at the older couple and said, “Thank you for your hospitality.”

“It’s our honor! After all, you’re Ms. Bonita’s bodyguard. As far as we’re concerned, you’re just as important as her. Your arrival is nothing short of Lady Luck smiling down on us. We would’ve prepared fireworks if we could.”

Jim stole a glance at Bonnie, but she feigned ignorance. At that moment, Jim seemed to understand why she had not told her parents the truth.

The following day, Bonnie woke up to a commotion outside. She was surprised when she left her room.

‘Damn, that’s a lot of people and cars! There are kids and older people everywhere! It looks like the whole village showed up.’

Everyone huddled around Jim, trying to get to know him. Many even dressed their daughters to the nines and told them to converse with him.

Meanwhile, some women stared at Ivor, making him feel so embarrassed that he wished he were on another planet. Strangely, they only stared and did not approach him.

Bonnie thought, ‘I don’t believe they’re avoiding him out of respect for our relationship. Instead, he looks cold and indifferent. He looks like he’d kill anyone who approaches. Maybe that’s why the women are only staring at him.’


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