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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 453

Chapter 453 

Bonnie, I never intended to underestimate your fighting abilities.” 

I know, so you must have confidence in me. Also, we’re in the countryside, and Ivor’s bodyguards are patrolling near the village entrance. They’ll spot trespassers from a mile away. I want you to relax today. Nothing’s going to happen.” 

With that, Bonnie poured Jim a big glass of wine and raised her glass to toast to him. To you, Jim.” 

All right!He let down his guard and concerns thoroughly. He raised his glass, clinked it with hers, and downed it

You’re an excellent drinker, Master Jim! I’d like to toast to you, too!Gerald was thrilled that someone like Jim was willing to drink with the family. The former raised his glass and downed its contents

Soon after, all of Bonnie’s family members approached Jim and drank with him. After drinking several glasses, Bonnie felt sorry for him

He must have drank like a whale. I wonder how long he’ll be passed out for.‘ 

Suddenly, Ivor leaned closer to Bonnie and said, What were you and Jim whispering about earlier? Can you tell me about it? For the record, I’m not jealous of him.” 

Bonnie could not be bothered to continue this topic. She clinked her glass with his and said, How about we toast to each other?” 

Ivor smiled, asking, How about we drink from each other’s glasses instead?” 

Bonnie rolled her eyes at him and was about to down her wine when he suddenly linked arms with her 

and drank out of her glass. He grinned at the stunned Bonnie and said, It’s your turn!” 

She realized what had happened and immediately withdrew her arm. However, Ivor trapped it instead

Let go of me right now. How shameless can you be?Bonnie said hushedly and looked around, blushing

Fortunately, everyone was busy drinking with Jim, and no one saw what had happened between her and 


He smirked and said, Hurry up and drink out of my glass, or I won’t let go until you do. We’ll stay like this 

longer than we have to if you keep fighting me. Now, that’ll be embarrassing.” 

Bonnie was so mad that she felt tempted to pour his wine over his head. Ultimately, she ensured that no 

one was watching and downed the wine

That’s more like it.Ivor grinned from ear to ear

Bonnie could not bear to look at his smug expression

The lunch lasted over an hour, and Jim had passed out when it was done

Ivor noticed Bonnie leaving with her tools and caught up with her. Puzzled, he asked, Where are you going?” 

Chapter 453 


She replied, I thought we were attending Ged’s grandfather’s birthday. I heard he’s suffering from severe hair loss. I’m going to pick some horsetail for him.” 

Are there horsetails on these hills?” 

Sure, there are. I found a particularly old horsetail in one of these parts. It was at least a hundred years old. I made sure to put down a marking.” 

Well, then. I’m coming with you.” 


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