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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 464

“Trina, I heard you got expelled twice because of Bonnie. I don’t understand how she pulled that off.”

Trina wanted to badmouth Bonnie but decided against it after considering her promises to Gresham and Vera.

“The truth isn’t what you guys think it is. Bonnie and my family are strangers. None of us have anything to do with her.”

One of Trina’s friends saw Bonnie and purposely said, “We know that. Your dad published a video, and your mom swore an oath, too. I guess it works out for you guys. That way, you’ll finally rid yourselves of that pathetic good-for-nothing.”

Trina covered her friend’s mouth and warned, “Lower your voice, or she’ll hear you.”

“I don’t give a damn if she can hear me.”

“Stop it—” Trina turned and realized Bonnie was looking at her. The former trembled and bowed at Bonnie apologetically. “I’m sorry, Bonnie! I swear we weren’t badmouthing you!”

Bonnie glanced at her coldly and accidentally bumped into a fellow college student. She said, “Oops, sorry! I didn’t watch where I was going.”

She then realized she had just bumped into one of the two most handsome students at the university. His name was Toby Davis, among the brightest minds there.

He held a peculiar-looking robot with both hands and was so focused on tweaking it that he did not even glance at Bonnie. Instead, he simply brushed past her.

“Pfft!” Trina’s friends cackled, and one said, “I’m sure she bumped into him on purpose. She must’ve thought she could seduce him with her looks, but he didn’t even look at her.”

“Bonnie must feel humiliated now, even though she’s pretty. Coleman is also the other most handsome student at our university. Even he treats Bonnie nicely. With that said, Toby isn’t as approachable as Coleman.”

“You got that right. Toby is as cold and distant as they come. He rarely talks to anyone. I hear not even his roommate has heard him speak. Toby doesn’t have a friend on campus, either. He only cares about his studies.


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