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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 465

“Why are you looking at me like that? Were you badmouthing me to Bonnie?” Ivor squinted at Avril, trying to figure her out.

A chill ran down her spine, and she stammered, “N-Not at all! Why would I do that? I-I was just telling Bonnie how wonderful you are and that she should cherish what she has. After all, she’ll never find anyone as perfect as you. Yeah, that’s what we were talking about earlier.”

Bonnie glanced at Avril but did not expose her lies.

“I appreciate that,” Ivor nodded and said, “I’ll give you something real nice in return when Bonnie and I get married.”

“Sure! I’m looking forward to it. Make sure it’s a super nice gift, okay? I won’t accept anything less than that!”

“You got it!”

“I’ll hold you to that promise!”

Bonnie was speechless about their interaction. She thought, ‘I’m supposed to be the future bride, yet none of them asked for my opinion. They just went ahead and decided on their own.’

Floyd approached and said, “Mr. Ivor, all the other investors are here. They need you to be there, too.”

Ivor looked at Bonnie and asked, “Do you want to come with me? You can sit beside me.”

“You can forget about that. I don’t want to draw attention to myself,” Bonnie shoved him and said, “Hurry along now.”

If she sat with Ivor, the entire university would focus on her instead of the competition. If that happened, she could no longer enjoy a peaceful university life.

Trina watched as Ivor approached the venue. Her brows furrowed as she said, “It’s him.”

“Who’s that? Do you know that handsome man?” her friend asked.

“Even though I’ve seen him several times, I don’t know who he is.”

‘What’s he doing here? I think I saw him with Bonnie a minute ago. That reminds me—Mom received a call during the summer solstice.


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