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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 471

“Judging by your tone, you sound like you’re underestimating the competition,” Toby remarked.

“You’re overthinking it. I just wanted other people to have the opportunity,” Bonnie said truthfully.

Toby asked solemnly, “What’s the difference between that and underestimating the competition?”

Bonnie’s brow knitted as she pondered her words. She said, “You’ll see why I didn’t participate once you visit the research institute.”

“What are you trying to say?” he asked in puzzlement.

“You’ll know when you come on the weekend.” Bonnie did not want to argue anymore and looked at Avril, saying, “Come on, let’s go to your place.”

“Sure, let’s go. Mom can’t wait to see you.”

Ivor caught up to them and said, “I’m coming with you guys.”

Avril turned and blinked. “Y-You want to come to my place, too?”

“What’s wrong? Am I not welcome?”

“N-No, not at all! After all, you’re the CEO of the Knight Group. Of course, I’d love to have you as my guest.” Avril sighed discreetly.

‘I have a hunch that I won’t live to see tomorrow if I told him he’s not welcome.’

Ivor approached his car and was about to open the passenger door for Bonnie when his phone rang. After answering the call, his expression fell.

Bonnie noticed it and assumed something must have gone wrong. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”


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