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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 470

‘We can’t do anything about it. After all, Trina will soon work at Bonita Research Institute. Since Gresham has someone as excellent as his daughter to support him, we can’t pull him down from the family head position.’

Gresham and Vera exchanged glances, intending to tell the family the truth. However, the rest of the family kept complimenting them. The couple could not get a word in edge-wise.

That was when Fernanda shouted, “Ahh!”

Harold barked, “Why are you yelling? That’s rude of you!”

“G-Grandpa, look at this!” she showed him her phone and said, “Trina didn’t win the Scientific Research Competition. Toby did!”

“What?! Trina lost?! How is that possible?!”

“It’s true! I’m not making it up. Check your phones, and you’ll see.”

Everyone took their phones and looked at Trina and her parents mockingly.

“How shameless can you guys be? Why would you lie to us?”

Kaysen said, “Damn straight! We kept complimenting Trina, and I told my daughter to learn from her. Should I let my daughter pick up on her shamelessness and lies?”

Ysabel added, “I know I’m not as capable as Trina, but I live an honest life. I’m always truthful and would never claim to be more competent than I am.”

Trina blushed with humiliation.

“Hmph!” Harold scoffed. “Bonnie’s destructive behavior must’ve rubbed off on you when she used to stay here. She loved making up stories and boasting about how great she was. Still, she’s the miracle doctor.

“At least Bonnie has that going for her. What can you boast about, Trina? You’re nothing but a slightly above-average student.”


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