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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 478

Ivor got straight to the point. “The thing is, this lady used the clay teapot, which was passed down for several generations. So, all she had to do was pour some hot water in, and it’d easily make a cup of tea with rich flavor.”

Bonnie’s eyes widened as she stared at him.

“I-It’s you!”

“Yeah, it’s me. I admit I’m not surprised because I found you very familiar and approachable. It turns out that it was you all along.”

His gaze grew more intense by the second. “You pleasantly surprise me over and over again. Hurry up and tell me about everything you’re skilled at. I can’t wait to learn everything about you.”

“None of you believed me. I’m not skilled in that many areas. If anything, I’m only good in one area,” she said, feeling a headache coming on.

“What area is that? Hurry up and tell me! Come on, Bonnie!”

“I don’t feel like saying it now.”

He looked at her with humor in his eyes. “So, that’s what’s happening. You said you’re good in that one area on purpose. You’re trying to keep me on the hook, you naughty girl.”

At the next moment, he bit her lips.

“Ouch… What are you doing?”

He didn’t bite down that hard, but there was a tingling sensation in her that turned her face red instantly.

“I’m punishing you. You’ve been naughty, after all.” He admired the bite marks on her lips as he spoke.

Her lips were rosy and plump. He wished he could savor its taste again.

She shoved him away from her. “Are you a rabid dog? I can’t believe you bit me!”

He touched his lips, reliving the moment when he bit her. She noticed it, and her face turned even redder.


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