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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 479

“D-Did you just say that Ms. Bonita is waiting for me?!” Toby stuttered again. This time, it was even worse than the last.

Terry thought to himself, ‘I can’t blame him, though. After all, this is Ms. Bonita we’re talking about here! He must’ve been overjoyed!’

Toby felt a spring in his steps as he walked. He even felt a little light-headed. He still had not come back to his senses.

He followed Terry’s lead and arrived at Bonnie’s research lab. She was going through some documents and comparing reactions from different test tubes.

Worried that he might disturb her, Terry spoke softly. “The new guy’s here, Ms. Bonita.”

“Alright. Got it.” Putting down the document, she turned around and walked over to them.

“I-It’s you!”

Toby’s composure was gone as he gaped at her.

‘This is unbelievable! The great Bonita is a student at Pyralis University. If her identity went public, everyone at the university would be shocked, too.’

She looked at him with a smile. “Do you understand why I answered you the way I did that day?”

“I’m sorry!” He said, “I shouldn’t have talked to you that way.”

She waved her hands. “I don’t blame you for that. You only talked to me in that manner because you didn’t know any better. Don’t worry about it.”


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