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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 521

Needless to say, Orson was coming over to greet her.

That was when an uninvited guest appeared before him. “I didn’t have an invitation, but here I am. I hope you won’t about that, Master Orson!”

The man wore designer labels and held a rolled-up painting in his arms.

“Who’s that? He seems familiar.” Bonnie was talking to herself when she heard someone’s voice beside her.

“He’s Grandpa’s rival, Kobe Fraser. If he’s here, it means something bad will happen.”

Turning sideways, she looked at Kay and asked, “Where did you come from?”

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Master! How did you get in? Also, you should’ve said something to me. I kept calling your phone, but no one answered.” Kay held her arms and kept shaking them non-stop.

“Did you call me?” She pulled out her phone and checked it.

‘I didn’t turn off my phone, nor are there any missed calls.’

“Did you run out of credit?” Kay asked.

“Maybe you’re right.”

“I’ll reload it for you.”

“It’s…” Before she could finish her sentence, Kay had already reloaded her credit on her behalf.

“There, it’s done. I’ve reloaded a hundred and forty thousand dollars into your phone account. It’ll probably last you a lifetime.”

She didn’t know what to say for a moment there.

“How much did you reload again? It’s a joke. Isn’t it?” Rhys gulped and asked.

“Is that so? Grandpa’s painting goes for several million dollars a pop. So, what’s so surprising here?” With that, Kay looked at Bonnie and asked, “Do you know this guy, Master?”

“Yeah. We went to the same high school.”


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