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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 522

Kobe might’ve said what he said, but he was here to stir up trouble.

“Really? Did you bring your painting here?”

He flashed Orson a cunning smile. “Of course not. You’ll see.”

With that, he asked his men to unroll his painting.

The moment Orson saw the tabby cat in the painting, he trembled. Then, he put on his glasses, pulled a magnifying glass, and inspected the painting immediately.

One of the guests didn’t understand why Orson reacted the way he did.

“What’s Master Orson doing?” Rhys asked.

Kay rolled her eyes and said, “You can’t tell this painting’s background. I don’t get it. How did people like you sneak in here?”

“Well, I…” He stopped himself. Given who Kay was, he couldn’t afford to throw a fit. “What’s the deal about this painting, Kay?”

She didn’t want to explain anything to him but did it anyway for Bonnie’s sake.

“You know about Grandpa’s painting. How is it that you don’t know about the traditional master painter, who’s even more prestigious than him?”

Rhys mulled it over for a while before his eyes widened in shock.

“D-Do you mean the esteemed traditional master painter who loves drawing tabby cats?! Are you talking about Master Kieran Johnston?!”

“Exactly. Now, you get it.”

“Who is he supposed to be? What’s so great about Master Kieran, exactly?” Titus was thoroughly oblivious to paintings. So, he was very curious.

Rhys explained, “He’s one of the greatest traditional master painters in the world. He made his appearance seventeen years ago and astounded everyone.

“He made a painting based on a tabby cat, and it received critical acclaim from countless traditional master painters. His painting came to be sold for a hundred forty million dollars in an auction!”

Titus couldn’t help but gasp heavily.

“A-A hundred forty million dollars? Really? How could a painting go for that much money?”


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