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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 632

"Yeah, Sienna, you still have us. We are your strongest supporters. Whatever you want to do, we support you."

"Sienna, don't worry. This time, we must make that despicable person pay a heavy price. We won't let her off so easily."

Anger welled up in Sienna's chest when she looked at the messages from her fans and the insults directed at Bonnie in the fan group.

She would have been delighted to see such a scene in the past, before she discovered Bonnie's identity and that Bonnie had no relationship with Orpheus.

But now, insulting Bonnie like this was like asking for trouble.

As Sienna thought about this, she noticed several unread messages on Twitter. With a light tap of her fingertips on the screen, she saw Eloise's message, only to realize that all of this was Eloise's doing!

She immediately dialed Eloise's number without hesitation, but the other party didn't answer.

As Sienna listened to the automated message on the other end of the phone, she felt as if her chest was on fire. She called four or five times in a row, but it was the same each time. Eloise’s phone was temporarily disconnected.

Sienna was so furious that she almost smashed her phone, but she also understood that getting angry wouldn't solve anything. Hence, she decided to resolve Bonnie's matter first.

She immediately logged into her account to clear Bonnie's name.

She posted, “I have seen the rumors on the internet. I declare that the circulated videos and photos are all false. I hope everyone can remain rational and not harm innocent people because of lies.

“Moreover, I have interacted with her for a while and know she is different from the person described by the marketing account. I demand the marketing account delete the posts immediately. Otherwise, they will be held responsible!”


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