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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 633

Eloise thought she was helping Sienna out by saying those things for Leo to hear.

Sienna detected the nonchalant tone in Eloise's voice and emphasized her words with a firmer tone.

"Eloise, Bonnie's identity is far from simple. I advise you to stop immediately, lest things escalate to a point where they cannot be salvaged. Even the heavens won't be able to save you then."

If Eloise still didn't understand, then she was beyond redemption.

Eloise replied very nicely, "Sienna, I understand your meaning. There is no need to say more. I will delete those things."

Sienna frowned, unsure if Eloise believed her or not. ‘She should, right? After all, I made my point very clear.’

Sienna reminded her again, "You'd better follow through. Don't dig your own grave."

"Got it, Sienna. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up now." Eloise thought that she had put on enough of a show in front of Sienna's grandfather.

"Okay," Sienna responded indifferently. Just before hanging up, she spoke up again.

"Remember what I said, don't take it lightly."

"Got it, Sienna," Eloise quickly responded.

After hanging up the phone, Eloise looked at how public opinion online was fermenting precisely as she had imagined. A sinister smile crept onto her lips.

Upon hearing Sienna's words, she did not stop. She escalated the situation further by hiring more internet ghostwriters to comment as she wanted, pushing this matter even further.

Meanwhile, Ivor watched as people online spoke ill of Bonnie, his eyes barely containing his restrained anger.

With a voice as cold as ice chips, he glanced up at Floyd and asked, "Have you finished investigating everything I asked you to?"

Floyd quickly nodded. "Yes, I have."

Ivor slowly stood up from the sofa, a storm brewing in his eyes. "Let's go."


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