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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 689

“Oh?” Bonnie stared at Eloise calmly. “Go ahead and tell me about it.”

Eloise then took out a bottle of pills and pushed it to Bonnie's side of the table.

“Spike his food with this pill and let him sleep with me for one night. After that, I’ll give you the painting.”

Bonnie laughed out loud.

“Geez, Eloise. Are you this much of a whore? If you’re really craving men, then how about I get you ten of them? Will that be enough?

“How about a hundred men? I can guarantee you that all of them are excellent men and have a lot of experience under their belts. What do you say?”

Eloise gritted her teeth as her face reddened. “Quit saying these things to rile me up. That’s not who I am at all.”

“Really?” Bonnie’s lips curled into a smirk. “If you aren’t looking for someone to sleep with you, then why do you keep trying to steal my man? Why do you want my man to sleep with you?”

Eloise’s face looked miserable when she saw how sarcastic Bonnie was. She clenched her fists, trying to hold herself back. In the end, however, she shot up from her seat.

“I’ve only ever wanted Ivor and no one else! I’m doing this because I want closure for my long-time love for him. What did I do wrong, exactly?”

Bonnie clapped her hands while flashing a sarcastic grin.

“You found a new way to justify stealing my man away from me. Did you come up with that to lessen your guilt?”

“Why, you…” Eloise could only glare at Bonnie while she stood.

“Oh, pardon me. That was rude of me. After all, why would you feel guilty at all? You’re so shameless that I’m sure the concept of guilt means nothing to you.”

Eloise started huffing as though she was going to erupt.


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