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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 690

Before Eloise could utter the last word, Bonnie brutally flung her to the floor.

“You’d better behave, Eloise!” She then turned around and left.

Eloise felt the strange glances from the people around her and wished she could be on the other end of the earth right now.

‘Damn, that Bonnie! How dare she humiliate me?! This isn’t the end of it. I’m going to make her pay!’

Back at the Knight Villa, Floyd was counting down the time. He was pacing back and forth, feeling agitated.

“Mr. Sigmund is going to come home from the hospital soon, Mr. Ivor. But we still haven’t found a solution for the damaged painting. What do we do?”

He was already picturing how the old man would throw a fit. It gave him goosebumps.

Ivor frowned, a faint layer of worry could be seen in his eyes. “We’ll have to tell him the truth. There’s no other way.”

‘I didn’t want it to end like this, either. However, this was how things were going now. I simply couldn’t figure out a better way to resolve this mess.’

Floyd scratched the back of his head furiously, trying to figure out a way out of this for his master.

“I’ve said it before, and I’m going to say it again. We could find a fake painting to soothe Mr. Sigmund first. Once we buy ourselves more time, we can think of a way to get it from Ms. Eloise and swap out the fake painting.”

Ivor shook his head. “It won’t work. Like I said, Grandpa can tell the real painting from a counterfeit.”

“Well, what are we going to do, then? I can already imagine how furious Mr. Sigmund will be when he finds out his precious painting was damaged beyond repair!” Floyd’s face was plagued with distress.

However, getting agitated wouldn’t help at all. All they could do now was pray that Sigmund wouldn’t be too upset when he found out about the truth.


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