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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 720

Xavier thought, ‘Ms. Bonita’s thoughts are unreadable, but I’ll strive for an opportunity to work with her, even if it’s only a one percent chance of success.’

Bonnie leaned into her office chair and casually replied, “You’re mistaken. I don’t intend to cooperate with the Knights this time.”

Her answer piqued Xavier’s interest. “You’re not choosing the Knights?”

“That’s right.”

Xavier was shocked as he asked, “Would you mind telling me which company you intend to cooperate with, then?”

Bonnie replied, “Tang Fusion Studios.”

Xavier was surprised and enlightened when he heard that. Ultimately, his emotions turned into envy as he said, “So, you’re planning to cooperate with Mr. Hamish.”

“That is correct.”

“Of course, your relationship with Mr. Hamish is excellent. It even makes others jealous. It seems I can only watch from the sidelines again this time,” Xavier sounded quite regretful.

Bonnie shrugged. Her choice to cooperate with Tang Fusion Studios was not because of her relationship with Hamish but because the company belonged to her. Since she had given the last cooperation to the Knights, she naturally wanted to give her company a chance.

Bonnie thought she should benefit herself and her people this time instead of giving it to others.


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