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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 187


At the Royal Landscape Restaurant, Alina and Chester were seated by the window, and at the moment, Alina was downing glass after glass of wine.

But the weight of her heart was still there.

Her mind was reeling, the memories pounding away at her sanity and her soul.

The wine in her glass didn't seem to be enough. Just as Alina picked up the bottle and was about to fill it for herself, there was a force on her wrist.

The man's voice was gentle, "This is very strong wine, you can't drink like this, eat something."

Chester's brow furrowed slightly.

He had sent a message to Hector to find out what was going on.

Alina, "Chester, don't ask any questions right now, just let me drink for a while, okay?"

Alina's tone was suppressed.

And it was a tone that Chester could hear clearly, and therefore the man could hear the pain that she was suppressing.

However, Chester did not let go.

"If you keep drinking, you're probably going to be in the hospital for a week, do you really want to?"

Alina was so sick of hospitals after that incident three years ago, she really didn't like hospitals at all.

Being in a hospital meant that it was really hard for a person.

The smell of sterile water was a constant reminder of what that place was like.

"Be good, okay?" The man's voice was full of coaxing and then, little by little, he took the bottle out of Alina's hand.

The moment he did, Chester seemed relieved.

However, Alina, who was already in an uncontrollable mood, broke down and cried.

There were not many customers in the restaurant, but when they heard such cries, they all looked at Chester and Alina.

However, the chill on the man's body was so cold that it instantly shifted people's attention.

He was terrifying.

He was a completely different being to Alina.

Chester didn't say anything, he just looked at Alina calmly, watching her cry like a child.

And Alina was not a child, she was suffering endless pain that no child could ever bear.

For a long, long time, after crying, she finally calmed down.

"Why is it human like this?"

The heart of man is evil.

These words hit her heart so hard.

"I didn't know that before, but now I've experienced it completely." As she said this, Alina lifted the glass of wine in front of her and took another sip.

The spicy liquid seemed to be the only thing that could make her feel better.

Chester, "Eat something." Chester looked at her as she tried to pour herself another drink.

Chester was a bit of a pain in the arse.

But now Alina couldn't eat anything.

She said, "They say that hearts are made of flesh, and that hearts are exchanged for hearts. So what if they don't have a heart?"

Chester's eyes were deep in Alina's, and at that moment, his gaze seemed to penetrate.

It was as if he was trying to read her mind.


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