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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 198

Knowledgeable and gentle.

And now, what did she really look like?

However, what he didn't know was that this was nothing.

There was something more vicious.

Now that he wasn't at Werland Villa, Werland Villa was now completely under Alina's control, doing whatever she wanted to do.

Emma was forced to live under her.

It was Emma who called again and again. But he does not want to answer at all.


Werland Villa.

Andre's action was also considered fast.

In the afternoon, he had the group's lawyer Jacob come over.

After Alina gave Jacob the relevant information, Jacob asked, "Now, you and Mr. Collins are still married?"


"In that case, it's good." Being within the marriage, coupled with the fact that those things happened, this was to be retracted.

It wasn't a difficult task.

It had to be said that Caleb, who had forcefully remarried Alina, had originally had quite a few consequences, only at that time, he probably hadn't considered this at all.

He did not expect that Alina would do this.

Last time, there was a lot of trouble.

This time, he had to remarry Alina.

He was shouting that he wouldn't make things right for Alina and Chester, so naturally Alina wouldn't let Caleb and Emma have an easy time either.

The economy involved between Emma and Caleb over the years was really too much.

Too many to count.

Jacob said that he had to go back and prepare the relevant documents, while on Alina, it was also best to find the relevant basis for spending.

Then, Alina went to Caleb's study and rummaged around to find it.

So, don't easily provoke women, some things when she doesn't care, that is no time and opportunity.

And now Caleb personally sent Emma under her nose.

The opportunity had come.

Caleb spend a lot on Emma.

These were all proof that the money had come from Caleb.

The next day.

It was a rare occasion that Emma was not driven to eat outside, but ate at the coffee table, in any case Alina just wouldn't let her share the table.

This also let her know where the difference in status was.

All the people looked at her with a different look in their eyes, and that kind of look was torturous for Emma.

She felt that she was really going crazy.

If Caleb didn't come back yet, she would really be driven mad here and really didn't know if she could leave here normally.

In the morning.

Because Emma hadn't been moved out.

She was even more nervous, this moment facing Alina, no one knows the next moment Alina will actually do something.

Her heart was suffocating.

It didn't take long for lawyer Jacob to arrive.

The man was dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase.

Alina handed the relevant documents, the ones he had turned up in the study yesterday, to the lawyer.


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