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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 201

In Werland Villa, when Alina received the call from Tomas, after listening to what Tomas meant on the phone, her attitude remained indifferent.

"Does this have anything to do with me?" what Tomas meant was that now if Caleb was discharged from the hospital, there would definitely be after-effects waiting.

The words were all about how badly Caleb had been injured this time.

In short, now is not a good time to be discharged from the hospital.

"Lady Alina." Tomas's voice tightened when he heard this.

If Caleb knew about her attitude, there was no telling what would happen.

Alina said, "In the future, if it's about him, don't call me, it has nothing to do with me."

Caleb required to be discharged, but Alina had such an attitude, which stunned Tomas.

He had to call Collins Castle.

However, the response he received was even more horrifying.

Vanessa said, "He is a grown up, doesn’t he know what to do?"

Although not as generally ruthless as Alina's, it still made people feel that it was very chilling.

After all, how badly Caleb was hurt, Vanessa saw it with her own eyes, yet she also managed to speak so coldly.

In the end, Tomas had no choice but to go and discharged Caleb from the hospital.


When Alina received that Caleb was about to be discharged from the hospital, she looked grimly at Emma, and that look couldn't be more frightening.

In short, Emma was almost unable to bear under such a look from her.

"What are you doing again?" As she said this, Emma's tone was shivering.

As if, whenever Alina looked at her like this, nothing good would ever come out of it, and in fact, it was really like that.

If this continued, Emma really felt like she was being tortured to go crazy.

But even if this was the case, Alina had no intention of stopping, which was what makes Emma absolutely most distraught.

"What do you think, what would I do to you?" Alina looked at Emma's frightened and trembling appearance, and the corners of her mouth lifted up in a smile.

It seemed that she was very satisfied with the present.

Emma used to be so arrogant. What was it that she didn't dare to do? She now was afraid? What a rare thing.

When Emma looked at Alina, she felt as if her whole world was about to collapse.

This woman was terrifying.

"Alina, I know you hate me. Why do you have to be like this? Am I not miserable enough right now?"

Yes, Emma was the most miserable.

Now neither her right hand nor her right leg could now get any strength.

In this relationship, she was counted as the most miserable, so why would Alina still have to do this?

Alina laughed.

Her laugh was sarcastic.

"Hahahahaha." In the end, it was even more unrestrained laughter.

And this unrestrained joy of hers made Emma's already tight heart now even more unpleasant.

She moved her lips to say something, yet at this time, nothing could be said.


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