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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 61

Emma looks to Caleb.

The man now has no the same deep sharpness that he had just shown Alina.

The men set her eyes once again on Alina, who was receiving a warm welcome from the world on the high stage.

Apparently, she never had such a dazzling scene when she was around him, and last show in Ingford, it was Andre who accompanied her. Wasn't it Andre who accompanied her in every appearance she made in the past few years? That man witnessed her dazzling every time?

Tomas received a message, "Check every Alina show for the past two years."

Joslan Hughes.

The name was once so foreign to him, yet today it is the name that represents Alina's journey to the top.

Because the 'Tomorrow' was so sensational, the designers who came back on stage could not stir the hearts of those who had not yet calmed down unless their work was really too good.

In this competition, Emma had prepared her own presentation, but she didn't expect Alina to be more impressive.

So when she stood on the high platform, all the people she saw were mingling.

It seems like the crowd did this after Alina came on stage.

It's Alina again.

Emma clenched both fists, her face in the light became more and more white, and finally she concluded, "This is my narrative of my work."

She finished hastily and got off the stage.

Kara, who was waiting below, saw Emma coming down like this and her face turned sullen, "You didn't prepare last night?" She could not help but question.

When she was there last night, Emma was drinking, so she didn't prepare properly.

Once in a decade. Such a good opportunity, but Emma ruined it.

"What's the use of being even better prepared? Those people don't treat me with any semblance of respect." Emma said suppressively.

When she stood on the stage, there was not even a single eye contact, there was no more humiliation than this.

Kara, "What do you care about that? Do you know that a lot of important people will be present today, and you..."

Kara was going crazy, and she noticed that after Alina came on stage, there was already a lot of secret talk about the differences between her and Katie's work.

Katie is a designer who has been famous in this business for a long time, and her work is very strict every time.

Alina's work, on the other hand, is more sensual.

Both have their own characteristics.

Isn't this normal? How did these people get into trouble with Emma?

The more Kara looks at Emma, the more she feels angry. If it weren't for Apricot International Group, she wouldn't even bother with her, and the more she feels that it's not worth it to promote her so much.

"Think about it." Kara snorted coldly and turned to leave, obviously furious.

Emma stood in place, her blood chilled, when she was on stage just now, she didn't think that much, nor did she think how important it was for her to be selected for this opportunity for ten years, but after being yelled at by Kara in such an angry manner, she realized that she might be in trouble.

It's Alina's fault.

The more Emma thought about it, the angrier she became.

Kara sent a message out to Stella.

She must also find a way to get Emma out of the company's contract, or let someone else take her, this kind of garbage had no professional ability, and still wants to become a designer.

She kind of experience, even if it is to compensate for breach of contract can not work with such a person.


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