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I'm richer than my billionaire ex-husband novel Chapter 77

Apexi Law Firm.

Alina eventually sat down, holding the business card handed to her by Ms. Sharp, and then looked across at Isabel Sharp with a pair of dark-framed glasses.

In professional dress, with well groomed curly hair, she still looked so young.

"Isabel Sharp?"

"It's me."

How does she feel so familiar with this name? She just can't remember it at once, but it was recommended by Andre, so it can't go wrong.

Alina put the card into her bag and looked at the baby-faced lawyer. If Andre hadn't recommended her, she wouldn't have believed this the lawyer who was the legendary Ms. Sharp who hadn't lost her case.

"After the confirmation, then let's start now." Suddenly, the baby-faced lawyer got serious.

Well she is very cute.

Alina also straightened up, "Okay."

Isabel flipped open the book, pen cupped in her hand, "Your husband cheated on you, and you want him to get nothing from the marriage."

"He's worse in nature than the usual cheating." Alina corrected Isabel's question.

Emma, the person who lived with Alina and even when she was pregnant, Caleb tried to use her to save Emma.

And things are in deceitful concealment, it is so bad in nature.

This is outrageous for those listening, not to mention how the person involved feel when she is going through these situations.

The total disregard for the feelings of the other partner in a marriage is simply unbearable.

One hour later.

After Otto received a phone call, he rushed to AIG, and Caleb listened to Otto's relay.

Directly after smoking three cigarettes in a row did not suppress his anger.

"It seems that this time is really not a means to compete for favor." Otto said in a deep tone as he looked across at Caleb.

All have been explained so clearly to the lawyer.

When she wanted to get divorced, people around Caleb thought Alina felt Caleb owed her an apology.

Women would be fine after being coaxed.

But now it didn’t seem to be the case.

"Did you not coax her?" Otto asked.

After all, she had not found a lawyer since she came back, but now she cam to a lawyer, which means the problem happened during this period of time.

Caleb didn't even try to make Alina feel good?

Right now, there seems to be only this one explanation.

Caleb's face instantly darkened, "Who can coax her now?"

This is the truth.

Every time, she was at the edge of losing out of her mind.

"So is it possible that she doesn't want to divorce Andre and is therefore trying to make things clear between you?" Otto thought.

That's probably the problem, too.

Those who are close to Caleb know what Alina's situation has been for the past few years, but what they can't believe is that Caleb doesn't want divorce.


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