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Author's pov

Arthur's Palace

"No Bro," Aaron said while shrugging shoulders," I'm telling a truth this time...I'd heard by mistake."

Edwin looked enquiringly at Aaron, who shrugged his shoulders.

Looking at Aaron whispering in Edwin's Ear, Ryan becomes curious to know, what are they talking about?

"Aaron, what are you whispering in bro's ear?" asked Ryan inquisitively.

"Bro I'll tell you later as I'm very hungry now," he turns his face towards meera, "mom gives me that khadi quickly, It's looking yummy."

Meera glanced and slaps slightly on his hand, "Aaron, This is kadi, not a khadi." 

Elena chuckled to hear them, "Yes, it is the same thing, kadi, khadi," he said while picking that bowl.

"Aaron, it's two different words, their meaning is also different and by the way, It is Rajasthani Kadi, my mother used to make for me before," She said as smiling.

"It's very yummy mom", he said after tasting that kadi.

Edwin looks towards Meera and thinks himself, "I hope Aunt, you see your family soon as Ernest is busy making your dream come true and it seems that day doesn't far away."

Meera looks towards Edwin, who was gazing at her, "Edwin take this sweet dish, you will like it," she said as moving the plate towards him.

"Aunt, I'm liking your every dish which has a unique taste, I'm fond of your food already and it's very delicious, by the way, What's name is it?" He asked as gazing at that sweet dish which was looking mouth-watering.

"Rabri Ghewar" he retorted.

"Give it here, mom," Suddenly, Aaron snatched the plate from Meera's hand.


Aaron heard a deep familiar voice behind him and flinched.

"What the hell is this behavior Aaron? Ernest said as coming towards him, "Don't you have any manners, how to behave in front of elders ... you are not a child anymore...So behave yourself...GOT IT..."

"Sorry, Big bro!" he said as standing up from the chair.

"Ernest, It's ok...take it easy Bro," Edwin said while gazing at Ernest, but he ignores Edwin's words completely and fiercely looking at Aaron.

"Aaron, This is the second time I'm seeing this behavior of yours--

"Ernest, easy son," said Meera while interrupted him as he hasn't listened to Edwin's words as well.

He nodded his head as sitting on his chair and said, "Now sit and eat without showing any insolency."

Aaron too sits quietly as he knows Ernest's anger very well.

Meera walks towards Ernest for serving his favorite lunch and said, "Ernest, why are you getting so angry? Laughter jokes happen between brothers...Isn't it?"

"Yes mom, but, in limits," he said while taking the first morsel as looking at her.

"well, leave it, you have your lunch," she knows his behavior very well and mumbled, "Like Father, Like Son." 

"Ryan and Elena, you both take this dessert, Pistachio Phirni, your favorite," she said as giving them a plate of dessert.

"Mom, your hand made Rajasthani food is really special," said Elena while smiling.

Suddenly, Everyone heard a vibrating sound of the phone, that phone belongs to no one else but Ernest, he picks his phone,


His brows frowned after hearing something from another side.

"Ok, I'm coming in a while," he said as standing up from his seat and hangs up his phone.

"What happened, Ernest?" asked Meera as furrowed brows, "Everything is alright?"

"Yes, Mom, Actually I have to leave now as Dad is calling me in Birmingham's office for some urgent work," he said as drinking water.

"But Ernest, you haven't eaten anything yet, first have your lunch, after that you can go anywhere," said Meera holding his hand.

"But Mom,  It's really urgent...Pls try to understand," he said as releasing his hand from her hold.

she released his hand and gets upset because she worked hard to make that lunch and he is going without eating.

Ernest gazed at her as he can understand her inner turmoil and said, "you can give me your kheer which you have made for me especially. "

Meera becomes glad to hear his words, "wait ... Martha quickly pack this kheer for Ernest. "

"Ernest, can I go too with you?" Edwin asked as standing up from the chair.

"No Edwin, I'll go there alone ... you can have your lunch comfortably," he said and walks up the stairs to change his formal clothes in his room because he's wearing casual this time.

"Edwin bro, taste this Pistachio Phirni...It's amazing," said Elena.

"Of course, Eli," he said as picking a piece from a plate.

Edwin, You must come tomorrow before time as I need your help in something," Meera said.

"Ok, Aunt, I'll come as soon as I'm free," he said as drinking his water.

"What do you need, Mom?" asked Aaron with lifted one eyebrow.

"Nothing special Aaron, but I'll tell you with everyone later...So don't worry," she patted on his head and walks towards the kitchen.

Aaron stared at Edwin and asked as raising his brows...What is the secret between you two...pls tell me, bro,"

"Aaron, I don't know either....Aunt didn't tell me anything," said Edwin.

"Aaron, keep patience as she said, she will tell everyone later. So keep patience for till then," said Ryan as standing up from the chair and walks towards the stairs.

"wait Bro, I'm coming with you," Aaron screamed as getting up from his chair and follows Ryan.

Meanwhile, Elena asked, "Bro, How's your girlfriend Daina?"

"She's not my girlfriend Elena," said Edwin as looking at her.

"Don't tell a lie bro, I know you like her...but I don't know why are you telling a lie?" said Elena as holding his hand.

"Elena, Actually, she likes som--"


"Yes, Ernest," said Meera as coming from the kitchen.


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