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Author's pov


"Yes, Reema mam," she comes with one glass of water.

(shanti is maid of the Bansal house)

"Has everybody eat their food? as I got late to come back, it's been 3:30 already," asked Reema.

"Yes, they have already eaten."

"Ok, go and put this vegetables in kitchen," she said as giving bag to her and takes a glass from her hand.

Shanti is about to go from there,


She turns and looking at her,"Huh?"

"Where is Ruh?" she asked as drinking water.

"I think she would be in her room," she replied and walks away.

Reema goes from there as well to check on her.



she called her name as opens her room door and enters in room.

she saw, both Kavya and Ruhi was studying.

"when you came kavya?"

"Long ago Aunt, actually I needed help from ruhi in some topic, so I came here," Kavya said as gazing at her.

"Well...Have you both eaten your lunch?"

"No aunt, as I brought moong daal halwa for both of us....so we are not hungry for  now," she said.

"Oh...accha tum dono padhai karo, I'll not disturb you," she said and walks away from there.

"Thank you, kavya," Ruhi said as she goes from there.

"why?" she frowned.

"as you didn't tell her anything....Thank you so much for that, and for always stay beside me,"she said as embracing her.

"Oh... I didn't want to tell her either Ruhi, as she will becomes upset, and you already told me, she already scold her in morning, so let it be for time being...but Ruhi, I swear if riya comes infront of me, I'll definitely not spare her," she said firmly.

Ruhi prays as she saw her in anger, God please didn't let Riya come in front of her, you know as both of them doesn't like each other even a little bit...if she comes in front of her God knows what will happen?

"where have you lost Ruhi?" She snapped  fingers near her face.

"No where"

"Ok, leave all this for now, firstly you pls elaborate this novel, Heart of darkness...I didn't understand this novel...so pls help me," She pouted.

"Ok, I explain" she chuckled to seeing her pouted face.

Both of them busy again in studies as their exam was going to tomorrow.


Ernest gets off his car and enters in Luxurious office.

He walks towards a conference room and hold a doorknob, and enters in the room.

Everyone stared towards him as he enters.

Ernest sees 4 men are sitting in that room.

"Good Afternoon Sir," said Ernest as bowed his head in front of that man who had sit right in front of him.

That man was none other than Edward David Arthur, king of the country and father of Ernest.

He nodded.

He smirks to see in front of him, after all, his son come back after 6 long months but he can't embrace him right here as nobody knows his real identity.

"Sit, Ernest Davies," he said.

But hearing his name, one man stands and screamed at him abruptly, "How dare you to bought our all shares?"

"Why can't I buy, Mr.Tristan?" He devilishly smirks at looking his condition.

"But why our company?" He slams his fist on table.

"Calm down Mr.Tristan as you sitting right in front of king...So behave yourself," said man.

"What are you trying to say Mr.Davies? Here your son trying to buying our all shares and you are saying calm down," he snarled.

"Ernest why have you done this?"asked Mr.Davies.

"Dad, I really want to buy that shares for my personal Interest and I'll get more profit, so why wouldn't I buy," he said while playing with paper roll.

"Sorry, Mr.Tristan he already taken his decision so nobody can change his decision."

"King please help us!" He said while gazing at king.

"Ernest, leave their shares," said king in stern voice.

Ernest got shocked to hear him and looked at him.

"But Sir, I really want-"

"No Ernest, you will not buy their shares and that's final...No more discussion,"He said as getting up from his chair and walks from there.

Ernest doesn't say anything further as he can see cold aura around him.

Tristan and Francis smirks to see Ernest.

Ernest face turned red and now he is raging in anger, he slams hard on table and goes from there.

"Ernest wait," said Mr.Davies and also goes behind him.

"Tristan you were right, king was really our last triumph card," said Francis.

"I know very well that's bastard, he can't  do anything against king that's why I have used king at last," he smirks.


Out side birmingham office,


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