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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 1

The twilight was deepening in the extremely cold Pola Islands. A green army jeep plowed along the white snow road, raising bursts of flying snow. A young man in the back seat imperceptibly rubbed his red eyes.

Behind the jeep followed an endless black mass of troops in military green fatigues.

At this moment, they all saluted to the young man with wet eyes, gazing at the fading jeep.

"Congratulations to the Conqueror!"

"Congratulations to the Conqueror!"

Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison, wave after wave, like an earthquake.

A big man named Charles was driving the car with glowing red eyes. He looked at the youth in the rearview mirror. "Defensor, do you really want to leave?" he said reluctantly as he didn't want him to go.

The young man, Baron Owen, had been in the army for only five years, but had earned outstanding achievements and merits. In his twenties, he had already become the youngest defensor ever, guarding the Pola Islands of the State of Nona.

After becoming a defensor, but also accumulating countless battle achievements, the title of undefeated Conqueror was bestowed on him! "Nowadays, the Pola region has been forged into an invincible city, who else dares to fight?" Baron finished his speech and took out a group photo in white on a red background, which was actually a marriage certificate photo.

The photo was of him and a woman with extremely delicate features. The woman seemed to be in her early twenties, with long hair simply tied behind the head, slightly raised almond eyes, a high nose and a small plump mouth. Even with a quick glance it was obvious that she was more beautiful than those so-called stars. But in the photo she had an unhappy face.

“Tracy, how have you been?” Baron murmured as he stared at the alluring woman in the photo. Looking at their only photo, he grinned happily as he recalled the past. Five years ago, Tracy Perry, who was only a college senior, founded the Samho Group single-handed and thus became the beautiful and well-known president of Nona. At the most critical time in Samho’s development, she was framed, drugged and had a relationship with a security guard of the company. And this "lucky" guy was Baron.

"Nona’s top beauty had a one night stand with a security guard!" Baron and Tracy had not even yet walked out of the hotel when Nona headlines reported this affair, which countless media outlets reproduced.

In the blink of an eye, from Nona’s top elite down to the common people, all knew that their number one beauty slept with the company's security guard. Overnight, the market value of Samho evaporated by half.

In order to minimize the impact, the Perry clan approached Baron and asked him to join the family as a matrilocal son-in-law. The sensational news of their marriage spread like wildfire, while the Perry clan became the butt of jokes. Not long after the wedding, Baron quietly slipped away from the family, hoping for the day when he could be worthy of Tracy.

For five years, that beautiful silhouette, which appeared in his mind constantly, was the driving force behind his step-by-step journey to the peak of glory. Whenever he thought of this woman, Baron was overwhelmed by guilt.

Three days later, at Nona International Airport, a Boeing 747 airliner slowly landed.

"Finally, he’s back!" Baron stepped down the airstairs and stepped onto the land of Nona with a long-lost smile.

"Mom, where are you?"

Baron had just walked out of the airport when he heard a clear little girl's cry. He felt a bit disturbed as he did not know why this happened.


Charles, who was just about to speak, was interrupted by Baron. "From the moment I left Pola, I was no longer the Defensor. This name is no longer allowed to be spoken!"


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