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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 134

Baron stood under the shower caddy and let the hot water flow down his body.

He gradually calmed down.

He had made instinctive reaction just now. Although Tracy took the initiative, he knew very well that Tracy was feeling that he had done too much for her and she was very moved and grateful for it.

He had already vowed that unless Tracy really fell in love with him, he would never do anything to her.

When he finished showering and walked out of the bathroom, Tracy had already fallen asleep. Maybe she was so tired that she even snored.

Baron gently lay down beside Lara. Under the weak light, he looked at Tracy’s delicate face full of gentleness in his eyes.

The next morning, Tracy woke up and felt chilly. She sat up and suddenly found herself naked.

She hadn’t been wide awake when she just woke up. She subconsciously wanted to scream.

“What’ wrong?”

Just then, Baron also woke up. He rubbed his sleepy eyes.

When he just opened his eyes, he saw Tracy’s naked body, which distracted him from sleeping.

They looked at each other, and both of them were instantly dumbfounded.

“I, I, I didn’t mean to.”

Baron first came back to his senses, and was immediately rambling in his statement.

Tracy then also came back to her senses. She subconsciously crossed her arms to cover chest, and felt really embarrassed, “Don’t look at me!”

Baron hurriedly closed his eyes and turned away.

Tracy blushed and felt really embarrassed.

After dressing up, she remembered what had happened yesterday evening.

Tracy only wore a towel after taking a shower and got in the quilt. She had already thought of giving herself to Baron completely, but she didn’t expect that she would fall asleep.

People were most sensitive at night and most likely to be impulsive.

She now recalled that she had taken the initiative to seduce Baron last night. Tracy was too ashamed.

Baron’s face reddened all over. He looked as if he had a fever. He couldn’t forget what he had saw just now.

After Tracy went to wash, he took the opportunity to leave and went out for morning exercise.

It was only when it was almost time to send Lara to kindergarten that Baron returned to the villa, and then waited for Tracy and Lara in the car after washing.

“Tracy, have you had a quarrel with Baron?”

In the hall, Yuri held bread in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. He looked at Tracy while eating.

Tracy choked on her words and said with a guilty conscience, “No!”

“Lara, tell me. Did your dad and mom have a fight?”

Obviously, Yuri didn’t believe her, so she turned to ask Lara.

Lara held a glass of milk and shook her head, “No!”

Yuri immediately became more curious. Since there was no quarrel, but why did she feel something was strange between them?

“Mom, when you got up in the morning, why were you not dressed?”

At that moment, Lara suddenly looked at Tracy suspiciously and asked.

Tracy suddenly looked dumbfounded, and her face instantly reddened all over.

She didn’t expect Lara saw her naked this morning.

Yuri was also stunned, and soon said with a wicked smile, “Lara, you will have a little brother.”

“Really? Great! I want a little brother!”

After hearing Yuri’s explanation, she immediately clapped her hands in joy.


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