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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 15

Soon enough, the eyes of everyone in the room fell upon Baron.

“Mr. Connor, there’s no need to concern yourself with this piece of trash. We can deal with him after you sign this agreement!” Henry urged, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.

“I’m not signing shit!”

Connor tore the contract in two, pointed at Baron and raged, “I’d wanted to save tracking you down for later, but I never could’ve imagined you were a Perry man. I’m not just calling off the collaboration today; I’m coming down hard on your entire clan. That’ll teach you to mess with Connor Johnson.”

After receiving Baron’s kick yesterday, Connor - along with all the men he’d summoned - had been single-handedly beaten black and blue by Charles. He’d been planning his revenge, but he didn’t think an opportunity would come so soon.

“What? You insulted Mr. Connor Johnson himself? You insufferable sack of garbage!”

Shocked, Phillip hurried to clarify boundaries. “Mr. Connor, sir, this brat isn’t part of the Perry Clan. He’s not related to us at all.”

“Up yours, motherfucker!”

Connor punched him across the face. “Where’s ‘Granddad’ come from, then? You must be lunatics, trying to cut them off now to get back on our good side. Don’t even dream of it!”

Tracy had heard about the events at the kindergarten from Yuri last night and knew that Baron had laid hands on Connor, but she never could have imagined the two would meet again so soon, much less on such an important occasion.”

Even Henry himself was beginning to panic, hurriedly coming to the fore. “Mr. Connor, this bastard really doesn’t have anything to do with the Perry Clan. Just give the word, and I’ll expel them right here and now. Please, reconsider our collaboration!”

“Look at what your trash husband’s done now, Tracy. Insulting Mr. Connor Johnson himself! The gall!”

“It’s like I said, that wretched household of hers brings nothing but disaster. They almost destroyed the Perry Clan five years ago, and now they’re trying to sabotage us again.”

“Mr. Chairman, let’s exile the lot of them right here, right now!”

Just like that, the entire meeting room was now brimming with hostility against Baron and Tracy, threatening to erupt at any moment.

Originally seething, most of Connor’s anger abated as he drank in the contempt levied against Baron Owen.

He shot a thoughtful look at Baron, then said, “It’s not that we can’t collaborate going forward. But - I want this kid on his knees, begging.”

As that last sentence dropped from Connor’s lips, a brief flash of murderous intent blazed to life in Baron’s eyes.

Upon hearing Connor’s words, Henry did not hesitate for an instant, turning to Baron as he barked, “Well, gutter mongrel? Make like the dog you are and kneel! Kneel and beg for Mr. Connor Johnson to forgive the Perry Clan!”

Baron simply stood there, back perfectly straight as his wintry gaze fell on Henry. Coldly, he spoke. “You don’t even know the half of what happened between me and him, yet you would have me kneel before him and beg?

“You keep repeating over and over that I have nothing to do with the Perry Clan, so how is it my problem if he’s not letting your clan off?

“Not one of you has the right to command me, Baron Owen, to kneel!”

In that instant, Baron stood tall by his lonesome, his entire being emanating an aura of true strength.

Standing closest to him, a slight tremor ran through Tracy’s heart as she bore witness to Baron’s display of power. He really had changed in five years.

“Impudent scum!”

Shuddering with fury from Baron’s speech, it took a good while for Henry to spit out those words.

At that moment, a man in a sleek suit barged into the meeting room, reporting urgently - “Mr. Chairman, Camel of the Brone Group is here!”

‘The Brone Group?” Henry gaped.

A middle-aged man strode into the room - Camel, general manager of the Brone company, Cona branch.

“We had no idea you’d be coming here in person, Mr. Camel - a thousand apologies for failing to greet you properly!” Henry stepped forward, bowing slightly, his attitude one of complete submission.

Connor was taken aback as well. He hadn’t expected to come across Camel himself while meeting with the Perry Clan. He stepped forward as well, reaching out with both hands as he said in buttery tones, “Mr. Camel, how do you do. I am Connor Johnson of the Johnson Clan, and my father is…”

Camel chuckled coldly. “The Johnson Clan? What’s that supposed to be?”

The words left everyone in the room stunned. The blank expression on Connor’s face was about to rise into anger, but, all of a sudden, he remembered one line of advice from his father - “The Brone Group is the property of the elite Owen Clan of Donas, and when you put us up against the Owen Clan, the Johnson Clan ain’t shit! So don’t, for the love of all that’s holy, make trouble for anyone who has anything to do with the Brone Group.”

With that in mind, Connor forced his resentment back down his gullet.


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