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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 21

Not until this moment did Henry finally understand why Camel brought the contract and immediately sued them for breach of the contract.

No one ever thought there would be a clause that Tracy was assigned as the person in charge.

“Mr. Carter, please let me talk to Camel. I got it wrong, but if he can let us off, we will do anything he wants. He likes Tracy, doesn’t he? I promise Tracy will marry him.”

After pausing for a second, Henry suddenly strode towards and pulled William’s arm, agitated.

“Shut up!”

William was freaked out for he didn’t believe Henry would say something like that, and scolded indignantly, “If you want to screw up, just go ahead, but don’t fucking get me into trouble. Even if Camel is here, he will do the same as I did.”

William knew clearly Camel was so mean to Perry Clan because of Baron.

After William finished his words, Henry, eyes popping out, said bitterly, “Do you mean Owen Clan also fancied Tracy?”

“Blimey, I have talked enough rubbish. Now let’s get down to business.”

William dared not to disclose more details, clearing his throat, and spoke seriously, “Brone Group suffered a great loss due to your breach of the contract. You, of course, should bear a huge compensation. Now I have a compensation solution for you, but I don’t know if you are willing to accept it.”

“Go ahead, please.”

Once hearing the compensation, everyone of Perry Clan was startled.

“One company had interest in acquisition of Samho Group, and asked Camel for help. As everyone knows, Perry Clan would already go bankrupt if Brone Group hammered the market of Samho Group. But now, if you agree to sell Samho Group, we will stop suing Perry Clan,” William said calmly.

“Are you serious that selling Samho Group can offset the compensation?” Henry said quickly, with his eyes beaming.

As the contract stipulated, Perry Clan had to compensate one billion dollars to Brone Group. Perry Clan couldn’t afford it even if they sold everything they had. And Samho Group’s market value was not higher than one hundred million.

“Of course, I wasn’t telling lies.”

William said, scorning, “If it was not for the sake of the person behind Camel, how could it be possible that Perry Clan would just have to sell Samho Group for the compensation?”

“Agree! We are happy to follow your proposal,” Henry spoke, in a loud and delighting voice.

Henry thought they had to compensate the breach as stipulated in the contract, but now they could save Perry Clan from bankrupt in spite of losing Samho Group.

And moreover, Samho Group was taken from Tracy. So, Perry Clan wouldn’t be hurtful even if they lost it.

Henry feared Brone Group pulled back the proposal, so he instantly called their lawyer to settle down the acquisition.

On the other side, Baron had already sent Tracy home. Tracy fell asleep in Baron’s arm before long.

“What happened to Tracy?”

Yuri asked Baron in a panic. Baron was just taking Tracy away before Yuri arrived at Perry Clan’s house.

“She was just fatigued, and fell asleep,” Baron said.

Getting Tracy on the bed, looking into Yuri’s eyes, Baron said, “Take care of her.”

And then, Baron turned and left.

At this moment, Yuri had an illusion that Baron seemed not what he used to be.

Seeing off Baron, the moment he disappeared, Yuri blurted out, “Brother-in-law.”

Hearing the voice behind, Baron quivered and paused, and another voice sounded, “Promise me. Don’t get Tracy hurt again. I trust you can protect her.”

“I promise.”

Baron said in a firm intonation, and continued to move on.

Looking Baron gradually disappearing in the rain, Yuri felt distressed.

She didn’t know where Baron was going, but she felt that next time when she met Baron, Baron would be a totally different person.

At the penthouse, Brone Group.

“Mr. Chairman, I just heard that the acquisition of Samho Group was completed,” Camel said softly.

Baron wasn’t surprised and asked, “Where can I buy the best diamond ring in Cona.”

“At eight o 'clock tonight, there will be an auction of rare jewelries collections at 9Out Club. The best and the last auction is a diamond ring, called The Pink Star. Most women from rich and noble families will go for it tonight,” Camel said promptly.

“Well, you come with me tonight,” Baron said.

Camel nodded, eyes gleaming with joy. He thought he was trusted as Baron would take him to the auction.

At nearly eight o’clock, a black Maybach slowly stopped at the door of 9Out Club, the top-level entertainment club in Cona.


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