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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 28

Meanwhile, Yuri arrived in front of the office at the exact same time Bonnie did.

“Yuri, why are your eyes so swollen? Did someone give you trouble?” Bonnie asked, worried.

Yuri shook her head slightly. “I’m fine.”

With that, she went into her own office.

Doubt filling her, Bonnie muttered to herself, “Looking at the way her eyes are swollen, she’s obviously been crying. It’s so early in the morning; who would bully her like this?”

Suddenly, she recalled the Baron that Tracy had mentioned a few days ago, and it all clicked. “It must be that garbage. Who else would provoke Yuri so early in the day?”

The two of them had been best friends since high school, and they’d even gone to the same city for university. They were practically sisters, and seeing Yuri like this brought Bonnie’s blood to a boil.

“Baron!” Right then, she noticed a familiar figure stepping out of the elevator.

She rushed in and got in his face, blocking his way. “Baron, what kind of man are you? You could have just quietly freeloaded away as a Perry son-in-law, but you’ve got some nerve pushing Yuri around!”

Looking at the self-righteous Bonnie, Baron was equal parts annoyed and amused. The woman’s mannerisms were repulsive, but he had to admit that Yuri had found a great friend.

It was just the hour when people were coming in to work, and the lobby was full up. A spectating crowd formed around the scene as Bonnie continued her tongue-lashing.

Baron’s lips curved upwards into a teasing smirk. “You’re not falling for me, are you? Actively starting a conversation with me every time we meet?”

“What?” Bonnie glared. She didn’t anticipate Baron saying that of all things – and he’d deliberately said it loud enough for all her colleagues across the offices to hear.

“I know you have a crush on me, but there’s a time and place for things. This is the workplace, so do your job properly, and you can chase after me after hours.” With that, Baron brushed past her.

It took Baron stepping all the way out the building for Bonnie to come to her senses. She shrieked, flushed with embarrassment, and yelled at the spectators, “What are you gawping at? Don’t you have work to do?”

Baron’s smirk grew disdainful. “You’re still far too green to be picking fights with me, little girl.”

Walking out of the building, he came across a familiar figure.

“My sister is an employee at your company. I’m just going in to have a few words with her, and then I’m leaving.”

Phillip was being held up by several security guards, who were refusing his entry.

The head of the guards wore an uncaring expression. “If your sister is an employee, then give her a call so she can come out to meet you.”

“If I could have called her, do you think I’d need to explain anything to the likes of you?” Phillip was the favored son of the Perry Clan, and this sort of treatment was rankling him.

He’d already called Yuri several times, but she didn’t even pick up, and had actually blacklisted him.

Now that all business partnerships with the Perry Clan were dissolved, a single day’s delay could be fatal. He was in quite the predicament.

“You’d better gather your wits and understand exactly what kind of place this is. Even a first-class family man wouldn’t dare start trouble here, much less an insignificant little house like the Perry Clan!” the guard chuckled coldly.

Phillip actually did gather his wits after hearing that, reaching out to grasp the guard by the arm. “I’m begging you, so just let me in, okay? I have urgent business with my sister. I’ll get out the moment I see her.”

“Get off me!” The guard shoved him away.

Phillip tripped and almost fell.

At that moment, he saw a familiar figure, and his face grew ugly beyond compare. “Why is it you again, trash?”

In his eyes, Baron was simply trash. It was ridiculous that he was turned away at the door, and Baron could come and go as he pleased.

‘Mr. Owen, sir!” The security guards took one look at Baron, stood to attention and chanted out a greeting.

The head of the security guards were under Camel directly. Although the details of Baron’s identity hadn’t been exposed, the guards still knew just how important a figure he was.

The scene stunned Phillip even more, and he rubbed his eyes hard, wondering if he’d mistaken the person in front of him for someone else. But even as his vision blurred from excessive rubbing, the figure before him remained the same.

Baron released a cold chuckle. “A piece of trash like me could come and go from the Brone Group as I pleased, while you, the favored son of the Perry Clan, couldn’t even set foot through the main doors. Don’t you think it’s about time you stopped being so cocky?”


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