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Invincible Heir novel Chapter 43

Hearing Camel’s words, Baron replied, “Good work. I want the Scott Clan down for the count.”

“Rest easy, Chairman. I have eyes in every club under their name. They were shut down in view of the general public. Their own customers photographed the evidence and posted them online. Like I said, it’s undeniable. The Scott Clan isn’t coming back from this.”

Camel reported the facts, then thought of something. “Right, another thing to report. The person who sent Mrs. Perry to hash out the collaboration was Nancy, head of the business unit and her former secretary. She’s had it out for Mrs. Perry since her return to the Samho Group. It’s possible she’s been bought out by Waldo. Should I have her fired?”


Baron chuckled icily. “Mistakes have consequences. Don’t you think getting fired is getting off lightly? Hold off for now. I still have uses for her.”

“Yes, sir!”

Hanging up, Baron’s expression darkened slowly. The Scott Clan might be scum, but this Nancy was lower than scum. If she’d been Tracy’s secretary, then she owed Tracy her position. And this treachery was how she chose to repay that debt.

He had been looking for an opportunity to net Tracy a promotion. This Nancy would serve just fine.

The Scott courtyard.

When Waldo made his way there, the living room was already full up with direct clan members.

The bandage wrapped around his neck was already seeping blood.

“Dad, you have to do something! That bastard nearly killed me – I barely got away with my life!” Waldo sobbed his plight.

Edmund slapped him across the face and thundered, “On your knees, swine!”

Disbelief written across his face, Waldo sputtered, “Dad! That little shit almost killed me! Why am I the one getting beat on?”

“Getting - beat – on?”

Edmund’s entire frame trembled as he seethed, “If you weren’t my flesh and blood, I would see you dead.”

He waved his cane as he spat out his hate, then brought the stick down viciously across Waldo’s body.

Waldo knelt, the perceived injustice of the situation reddening his eyes. “If you’re going to hit me, Dad, at least give me a reason! Do you still think of me as a son beating on me without clarifying anything first?”

“Swine! Disgusting, useless swine!” Edmund’s fury coursed through his system all the way to his head, threatening to topple him.


Giving a start, Edric sprinted forward to support his father.

He turned to rage at Waldo as well. “You gutter mongrel – if you hadn’t made enemies of whoever you did out there, do you think we’d be going through this now? You’re not just unrepentant, you’re blatantly talking back at us! Who do you think you are? Who do you think your father is?”

“Just when did I make enemies of anyone important?”

Waldo seethed himself. “You’re a bottom-feeding leech, Edric, kicking me while I’m down! Are you frightened I’ll take your position as heir? Is that why you’re spewing this poison?”


Edmund bellowed. “Get in here! Get in here and break the kneecaps on this useless brat of mine!”

“Dad! What are you saying? My kneecaps?” Waldo gaped.

At Edmund’s command, several burly enforcers pushed their way in and held Waldo down.

It was at this moment that Waldo realized that his own father really was about to break his legs.

“Dad, I get it, I did wrong, I won’t talk back anymore, I won’t fight with my big brother over succession anymore, so please just let me go, I know I’ve done wrong,” Waldo babbled as he began to panic, his struggles opening the wound on his neck, dyeing his bandages red.

Edmund walked out in front of his son, saying in a monotone, “Waldo, mistakes have consequences. Don’t blame your Dad for being harsh. I can’t make allowances for family. Not for something this big.”

“Dad, what did I do to end up like this?” Waldo ignored the pain digging at his neck even as he dug at the truth.

“You made enemies of an important figure. Now every club under our clan’s name is being investigated and shut down,’ Edmund said slowly, his eyes filling with despair.


Utterly shocked, Waldo continued, “Dad, that’s impossible! Our clan is several decades’ worth of old blood in Cona! Who’s got the nerve to move in on our turf? It has to be some kind of mistake – besides, I didn’t make enemies of anybody!”

The rest of the clan stared coldly at him, evidently resisting the urge to jump in and beat on him themselves.

Waldo’s heart sank, suddenly realizing that the Scott family might just be done for this time.

“Impossible, you say? The truth is right before your eyes – what do you mean impossible?”

Edric roared. “You really are just an imbecile. You don’t even know who you’ve managed to tick off?”

“I did make a move on the worthless son-in-law of some insignificant family, but other than that, no one else comes to mind!”

Waldo racked his brains, but couldn’t manage to come up with any other important character. Soon enough, however, the expression on his face began to stiffen.

He recalled what Baron said before leaving, and his eyes grew wide and staring. “It can’t be. It can’t be him. He’s just some garbage exile from a small clan, how could he actually bring down the Scott Clan?”

“What are you talking about? Who is this?” Catching on, Edric dashed forward and grabbed Waldo by the collar, yelling into his face.

“Speak!” Edmund thundered as well.

“It’s Baron Owen, the exiled son-in-law of the Perry Clan.

“It’s him who ruined Wallace and beat him half to death! This wound is his work too!


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