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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 

“Shit,” Janet cursed lowly. 

Danton called Andre away.. 

She didn’t know what would happen to Andre. But it was not too hard to guess. Judging by what she saw earlier in the back alley and the fearful look on Andre’s face 

when he left, it must be something horrible. 

Though frustrated, Janet could understand why Andre was reluctant to work with her. 

He had lived in hell for too long, deprived of any right to be happy. So when she approached him with a hope to be free from all those miseries, he found it too good to be true. 

And most importantly, they were on opposite sides. 

He didn’t trust her. 

Janet let out a frustrated, long sigh. 

She needed some air to organize her thoughts. 

So she walked away from the joyful crowd and headed towards the patio leading to the backyard garden. 

Once she was outside, she leaned against the patio’s handrail and took a deep breath of the midnight air. 

The air was cool and crisp. She could smell the perfume of flowers in the night breeze. 

Everything was so peaceful and calm. 

For a brief moment, she almost forgot that she was in her enemy’s camp. 

Footsteps came from behind her back. Janet turned around and found Daran walking 

over with two glasses of champagne. 

He handed her one of the glasses and joined her leaning against the handrail. 

“Tough kid?” he asked. 

Janet took a sip and smiled bitterly, “Very. He doesn’t trust us at all. And honestly…I don’t blame him. Even his own men abuse him…for him, we must be worse.” 

“Do you think he will tell Danton about what happened tonight?” 

Janet shook her head, “No. He doesn’t trust us. But I can tell that he hates Danton even more. He will keep his mouth shut.” 


Daran took her hand and gently squeezed it, “”Tonight we planted a seed in his heart. Now we will just have to wait for that seed to sprout one day,” 

Janet forced out a smile. 

She knew that Daran was simply saying that to make her feel better. 

The hard truth was that they didn’t have a lot of time. 

Lance kept them in this city for a reason, which they hadn’t found out what that was 

Lance kept them in this city for a reason, which they hadn’t found out what that was yet. 

So the longer they waited, the more danger they would be in. 

“Care to join me for a little walk?” Daran looked at her with a gentle smile. 

Janet nodded and followed him down the patio and into the garden. 

Tonight was the full moon. 

Under the luminous glow, the backyard garden came alive with an ethereal beauty. Moonlight bathed the delicate petals of blooming flowers, casting a silver shimmer that transformed the landscape into a dreamscape. 

Janet and Daran walked down the path through the garden. The only sound that could be heard was the gentle rustling of leaves in the night breeze. 

Janet wrapped her arm around his elbow, resting her head on his shoulder. She could smell his scent from this proximity, something that smelt even more enticing than the perfume of flowers. 

“What if we can’t get Andre to work with us?” she asked abruptly. 

He slightly turned his head and landed a kiss on her forehead, “We will keep trying.” 

“But what if we just can’t? No matter what we do?” 

His voice remained steady and calm, “Then we will cut all these craps and go after Lance directly. We will chop his fucking head off and burn his body into ashes. There must be something we can do to kill him.” 

Janet giggled. 

Daran was saying this to lighten the mood. And it worked. 

She felt much better already. 

They walked deep into the garden and sat down on a bench under a laurel tree. 

She lay down and placed her head on his lap. He threaded his fingers through her silky long hair, again and again. 

“Something just occurred to me,” he said with a hint of a smile on his lips. “You never dance with me.’ 

“Nonsense. We dance all the time,” she let out a small yawn. 

The night breeze, the flowers, his fingers combing through her hair…everything was 

soothing. She was quickly getting sleepy. 

“One time. On our wedding night. And that was it,” he said with a complaining voice. 

Janet looked up and stared at his handsome profile. 

“Wait. Are you jealous that I danced with Andre earlier?” she asked, amazed. 

He asked in return, “Are you surprised if I am?” 

“Come on, Daran. Andre is just a kid. Plus, that dance was just a covert for us to talk.’ 

“I know. But still.’ 

He coiled a lock of her hair around his finger 

He coiled a lock of her hair around his finger. 

“Whenever I see you with another man, flames of jealousy burn inside of me. And I would get a terrible impulse to shift, to attack, to snatch you back, and to hide you somewhere that nobody can find you. This impulse…the desire…” 

He paused, and continued with a hoarse voice, “It is getting harder and harder to control myself.” 

Janet licked her dry lips. Her heart suddenly started to race. 

She could tell that he was telling the truth. 

And she was shocked by his possessiveness. 

“But I am here with you,” she said gently. “Just you. Not anybody else.” 


He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips softly, “To have you by my side is the only way I can calm myself down.” 

Even though their mission tonight was completed already, none of them wanted to go back to their suite. 

So they stayed under the laurel tree. 

Janet felt her eyelids getting heavier. And she fell asleep eventually. 

Even though she was surrounded by enemies, she still slept soundly. Because Daran was right here by her side. 

As long as Daran was here, it was safe. 

She slept for about an hour, or probably even longer, and was woken up by Daran. 


He was patting her shoulder, calling her name next to her ears. 


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