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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

Janet woke up from a splitting headache. 

Her senses gradually returned as the harsh reality of her situation sank in. She remembered everything before she passed out. 

They gathered Blood Moon Pack’s soldiers and were ready to kill Lance. 

The two sides launched into a fierce fight. Daran went after Lance alone. She followed them deep into the woods and caught them talking. 

She witnesses the whole scene in which Lance turns Daran against them with her own eyes. 

Before she was knocked out, she saw Daran taking Lance’s hand. 

And now she was no longer in the safety of her home, with Blood Moon Pack’s soldiers, but instead found herself lying on a cold, hard stone floor. 

She seemed to be in a dungeon. 

As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she took in her surroundings. 

The walls were made of roughly hewn stone, damp with moisture, and covered in patches of mold. The air was thick and stale, and the only sound was the distant dripping of water. 

She could vaguely guess what happened after she passed out. 

Daran turned to Lance. 

And they brought her back to the Grace Ruin. 

A wave of strong emotions surged up in her…Anger, disbelief, sorrow, shock. 

It almost felt like there was a rock pressing on her chest. She couldn’t breathe. How was this even possible…Daran betrayed them?! 

He bought Lance’s words. 

He chose to believe in a monster who promised him superior power. 

He turned against his own people and her for that power. 

Janet would never believe this if she hadn’t seen everything with her own eyes. 

Daran was the most righteous and noble person she knew. Although he could be cold-hearted from time to time, she still had no doubt that he was a decent Alpha. 

Janet took in a shaky breath and pulled her hair frustratedly. 


She still couldn’t believe that this was true. 

There must be something that she didn’t know, some hidden facts that caused Daran to make such an outrageous decision. 

She would have to find out. 

But first…she needed to find a way out of there. 

She moved her body and tried to stand up. Yet she found her hands and feet clamped 

by cuffs. 

An iron chain was connected to those cuffs and anchored tightly to the stone wall, making a rattling noise once she moved her body. 

She couldn’t break free. 

The darkness seemed to press in on her from all sides, and her mind raced with thoughts of what to do now. 

Just then, she heard some footsteps coming from the distance. Somebody was coming. 

Janet snapped her head up, holding her breath in anticipation. 

…Could it be Daran? 

The door to the dungeon burst open and a group of people filled in. 

Janet’s heart sank. 

It was Harper, with a group of sturdy soldiers. 

“Oh, well, well, well…” 

Harper giggled, her shoulders rocking with laughter, “Look at you, all disappointed. Did you think it was Daran? Are you waiting for him to show up? But sorry to let you down. He won’t come.” 

Janet’s jaw tightened, “What the fuck are you doing here, Harper? And where am I! “Where else? In the dark dungeon underneath the royal palace of Grace Ruin, where we kept the prisoners. That is right. You are a prisoner now.” 

Harper walked up to Janet. 

A grim smile twisted her lips. 

“Handcuffs and chains definitely suit you, bitch!” she spat. 

Janet’s chest rose and fell rapidly in anger. And she cried, “Where is Daran! Get him here!” 

“Oh, haven’t you heard? Daran and our King are best buddies now,” Harper giggled. “And Lance has punished everyone who dared to help you escape, like that tramp Morgana. Your gigolo Kass ran away with Blood Moon Pack’s soldiers, but we will catch him soon. All in all, your pathetic little plan to kill Lance failed. The Rogue King is unbeatable. My man always triumphs in the end!” 

Agony seized Janet’s heart. 

It was one thing to think about these in her head, but a totally different thing to hear 

it from somebody else, which made it become a harsh reality. 

“No. You are lying…” Janet gritted. “That is not Daran…Daran would never betray me…” 

“Wake up, bitch! That is exactly who Daran is, a cold-hearted asshole!” Harper laughed, “He rejected you and tossed you aside ruthlessly once already. He is fully capable of doing it again! He will get rid of anything that stands in his way. I just don’t know why you all call Lance a monster….because clearly the biggest monster I know is Daran!” 

Janet’s body trembled, causing those chains and cuffs to rattle. 

Janet’s body trembled, causing those chains and cuffs to rattle. 

She wanted to convince herself that Harper was lying and that she shouldn’t jump to a conclusion before seeing Daran. 

But she couldn’t. 

She knew well enough that some parts of Harper’s words were true. 

And Harper 

per was still blabbering jauntily, “I am actually glad that I dumped Daran. Lance is so much better than Daran. Just look at where we are now…Daran is working under my man, and you are chained to a wall like a fucking dog on a leash. You have to admit that this is quite something- 

…Shut up,” Janet hissed abruptly. 

“What did you say?” Harper rounded her eyes. 

“I said-SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF TRASH!” Janet sprang up and roared, stretching the iron chains, “Get the fuck out of my face!” 

Harper’s face turned red instantly in rage. 

“How dare you disrespect me! The Queen!” she shrieked and raised a hand to slap Janet. 

But Janet was faster. She caught Harper’s wrist with her left hand and waved her right arm with her full might- 


A flaming red slap mark appeared on Harper’s cheek. 

A tooth flew out of Harper’s mouth. 


Harper screamed at the top of her lungs, holding her red cheek. She slumped onto the ground, horrified, and fumbled in the darkness. 

“My tooth!” 

She cried and opened her mouth, which was covered in blood. 

One of her front teeth was gone. 

“My tooth! Where is my tooth!” she screamed hysterically, “I can’t miss a tooth now! The King will hold our mating ceremony soon. I have to look perfect!!!” She jerked around to those soldiers, “What are you still standing there? FIND IT!” 

The soldiers filed in and illuminated the dungeon with their flashlights. 

But Harper’s missing tooth was nowhere to be found. 

Janet let out a cold sneer, “I can slap you again to make it symmetrical.” 

Her words made Harper even more furious. 

Pointing a finger at Janet, Harper cried, “Hit her! Slap her! Break her ribs! Whatever! I don’t fucking care! Just make her suffer!!!” 

Soldiers came at Janet together. 

Janet wanted to fight back but her hands and feet were still anchored to the wall. She 

Janet let out a cold sneer, “I can slap you again to make it symmetrical.” 

Her words made Harper even more furious. 

Pointing a finger at Janet, Harper cried, “Hit her! Slap her! Break her ribs! Whatever! I don’t fucking care! Just make her suffer!!!” 

Soldiers came at Janet together. 

Janet wanted to fight back but her hands and feet were still anchored to the wall. She dodged one punch, but another followed right after. 

They pulled her up and lashed her with a whip. The whip ripped her flesh apart, causing blood to stream down. 

“Harder! Harder!” Harper cried excitedly, clapping her hands. 

Pain coursed through Janet’s body. 

But she gritted her teeth to stifle painful groans. 

She would not give Harper the satisfaction of torturing her. 

This torment lasted for 10-15 minutes, and they finally stopped before she passed out again. 

She heard Harper’s laughter from the near distance, “…I will come back and visit you again, dear Janet.” 

Footsteps went away and the door slammed shut. 

They were gone. 


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