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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 

Daran took Janet to Harper’s suite, which was the very first time Janet stepped into Harper’s room in this palace

Her room was extremely lavish, decorated with delicate tapestries and expensive ornaments. The tea set was made of pure gold and the carpet was made by one hundred percent cashmere

This room was even fancier than the room that Harper had back in Riverside Pack. Harper was really doing everything she could to show off her wealth and power. When Daran and Janet came in through the door, Harper was standing before a fulllength mirror, fitting for the upcoming Crowning Ceremony

The room buzzed with the chatter of maids and designers, all desperate to please the 

new queen and make her look absolutely the best for the occasion

Daran, you come!” 

Lance beamed and stood from the sofa. He was flipping through a jewelry brochure, looking very bored, before they walked in

My best man!Lance said fondly to Daran

What the fuckbest man?! 

Janet snapped her head towards Daran, rounding her eyes in disbelief

Daran agreed to be Lance’s best man

A respected Alpha as the Rogue King’s best man

Janet was stunned by the irony behind this

Daran accepted that title calmly, Why do you ask me to come?” 

Well, since you are my best man, I think you should also do a fitting. We have the Grace Ruin’s best designer in this room. They are probably not as good as the people in your pack, but they will do. Go on to the next room and have them measure you.” 

Daran nodded

He walked away for a few steps and then paused looking beyond his shoulder. Stay here,he said to Janet deeply

Lance smiled and looked at Daran’s back as he walked into the next room

Then he turned back to Janet

How is the maid life suiting you, Janet?he asked with a snide smile

Not so good,Janet said icily. I prefer my life as a Gamma.” 

Lance burst out laughing, Well! I am sorry to hear that, but that is not going to happen. You are a maid now. Try to enjoy all the cleaning, laundry, and house chores. You may fall in love with all those eventually. If you behave, I will marry you to a rogue butcher or peasant and let you build a life here.” 

Janet said nothing and replied with a hostile glare

Just then, Harper called out to her from the mirror

Janet! Come to me.” 

Lance gave a nudge on her shoulder, Go on. The queen is asking for you.Janet dragged her steps and slowly walked towards the fulllength mirror. Harper was dressed in a flowing gown of delicate lace and shimmering silk. Her maids fussed over here, making sure that every detail was just right

When Janet came close, a designer was adjusting the waistline with a couple of pins. She accidentally pricked Harper with one of the pins


Harper cried loudly and jumped up, You pricked me, you idiot!” 

The designer immediately fell on her knees, shivering in fear, MMy apology my Queenit is an accident” 

An accident?! I don’t think so!” 

Harper pointed a finger at the designer and snarled, I think you did it on purpose! There are a lot of bitches like you who think that they can hurt me and replace me as Queen themselves. I am telling you nowit is not going to happen!” 

No, my queen!The designer cried desperately, I have never thought about replacing youI was just doing my job!” 

Harper spat at her face, Shameless liar. Guards! Drag her out and flog her!” 

The guards jumped at the designer and yanked her up from the floor

Janet saw all that and clenched her fists

This was classic Harper

Always eager to torment her servants and maids to prove her superiority

The designer was weeping

Janet couldn’t help but say, There is no need for that.” 

Harper paused

Then she slowly directed her gaze at Janet

What did you just say?she stared at Janet, gritting

I said there is no need to flog this poor girl,Janet looked back at her defiantly. She made a small mistake. Be a good master and forgive her.” 

Forgive her?” 

Harper started to giggle, a malicious gleam in her eyes, Are you trying to act like a saint now Janet? Do you think that you can get everyone to like you by flashing those big, innocent eyes? It is not going to work, bitch! I am the queen. And you are a maid! You don’t get to teach me what to do!” 

Harper waved her hand and hissed at the guards, Take her away

The guards dragged that designer and took her out of the room

Harper finally looked pleased

She opened her arms and showed off her fancy gown to Janet, Look at me. How do I look?” 

Janet snorted and looked away, revolted

You are jealous!Harper laughed, Well, you have a reason to be. You never had a big, crowning ceremony, right? Daran didn’t give you shit. Because he doesn’t like you. Not even a bit. Oh, your wedding night, do you know what he did?” 

Janet held her breath

Daran was not with her on that night

Harper giggled and leaned in, whispering into her ears

Daran was in my room on our wedding night. He was drunk and complained to me what a horrible mate the moon goddess had blessed him with. He even said thatif he had a choicehe would rather have me as his mate.” 

Janet’s lips slightly quivered

That is right!Harper beamed, Nobody likes you! You are an unwanted, sad little bitch. Even if you have become the 

Gamma and Blood Moon Pack’s princess, he could still toss you aside in the snap of a finger!” 

Janet’s body started to shake

Her wolf was growling furiously inside of her.. 

Harper was provoking her on purpose, making her do something stupid in front of everyone so that Harper could punish her

She shouldn’t fall for that trap

But it was so hard to control her temper and she just wanted to punch Harper’s face right now- 

What are you talking?” 

Janet jerked around and saw Daran standing by the door

He was looking at the two of them with narrowed eyes

There was a moment of silence in the room. Everyone froze in their actions and. stared at him, unblinkingly

Daran looked so hot in his freshly tailored suit


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