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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 

Harper looked as though she had just been slapped on her face

Her body trembled violently in humiliation. Her face changed from red to grey and then to pale

She just missed one day’s meal. It is not a big deal,Harper gritted, holding on to her last thread of dignity

And that increases the danger of her escaping. We don’t want to take that risk!She is a maid, and she is closely watched by dozens of guards in this palace. It is perfectly safe-” 

She is a fucking Gamma!Lance snarled, his furious voice echoing across the room, I have seen her kill more than dozens of guards! You are a fucking moron to underestimate her!” 

Harper’s cheeks flamed

There were shameful tears circling in her eyes

Can we not do this in front of everyone?she pleaded with a hushed tone, I am still your queen. Please don’t underestimate me in front of my maids” 

Yet Lance kept an indifferent attitude, A decent queen would never cause me so many troubles. Maybe you should take a moment to reflect upon yourself.” 

Harper looked as though she wanted to vanish in the thin air

After a short pause, she jerked around and growled to the maids and guards in the 


Leave us! Get the fuck out of here!” 

Everyone hurried to exit the room holding their heads down

Lance said to Janet in a softened voice, You go ahead and find yourself some bandaid for your thumb.” 

Janet said nothing and glanced at Harper before she left the room

She saw Harper glaring at her with flames of jealousy burning in her eyes

Janet walked out of the room and closed the door behind her back

Yet she didn’t walk away but instead pressed her ear against the door panel, listening attentively for the noises inside

She soon heard quarrels

You can’t do this to her, Harper! You can’t torment her like a fucking salve!Lance snarled, Whatever you are planning just stop it right now!” 

Harper yelled back like a manic, But why? My King, I don’t understand! You were perfectly with me chopping off her hands a week ago! What made you change your mind?! Is it because you like her? You think she is pretty and suddenly feel sorry! her, don’t you!” 

Stop acting like a fucking jealous woman! CHRIST!” 

Another crashing noise came from the other side of the door

Sounded like Lance broke a vase or something

After a short silence, Harper started to sob

Lance spoke up again in a strained and impatient voice


Don’t give me that tear work. I am not buying thatAnyway, Janet means too much. to Daran. Since I still need Daran’s help, we want to keep the woman he loves safe.” 

But you don’t understand, my king! It was Daran who came into my room last night and asked me to teach that bitch a lesson. And he did accept the maid that you sent him the other day, didn’t he? I am telling you! He doesn’t care about Janet-You are so fucking dumb!” 

Lance sounded frustrated, Daran didn’t sleep with that maid! He hasn’t slept with any other women since he got here! He said that he wanted to have Janet tortured because he was jealous, but he still loves her! He was saying one thing but thinking exactly the opposite!” 

DaranHe still loves her?” 

Harper was utterly stunned, No I can’t believe thisShe was so cold to him” 

Janet has her own charms.Lance said coldly, She is independent, strong, fierce, and attractive, the whole package. It is perfectly natural for a man like Daran to fall in love with her. She is way better than a certain type of woman with nothing but pretty face,” 

The final sentence hurt Harper’s selfesteem

She couldn’t help but hissed, You spoke very fondly of her. Why? Do you find Janet attractive yourself—” 

Don’t start this with me.Lance warned dangerously, Anyway, just keep things civil with Janet. If you don’t want her, fine, send her down to the kitchen and keep her out of your sight.” 

But I hate her!Harper cried

Then suck it up! You are not hurting her. Period!” 

Harper breathed heavily as though she was doing everything that she could to control her temper

Why is Daran so important to you anyway?Harper hissed, I heard a rumor saying that you are making him The King! You can’t seriously be considering that can you? If he is the king, what does that make you? About what about me?! Am I still the Queen?” 

Janet’s heart jumped to her throat

That was the same question that she had been wondering

Lance couldn’t be that nice to give this kind of supreme power away to Daran

So what was Lance planning on exactly

She wished that Lance could answer Harper

But Lance simply replied with an impatient tone, Stay out of my fucking business.” 

Janet let out a small sigh

Looked like she was not going to get any useful information out of their conversation

She raised her hand to knock on the door

Come in!Lance said

Janet pushed the door open and walked back inside. She was immediately facetoface with Harper’s tearstained face

Harper jumped and immediately turned away from Janet, hiding her crying face

What do you need, Janet?Lance asked rather softly

If there is nothing else, I am going downstairs to have dinner and turn in for bed,Janet said

Lance nodded hastily, Yes, gol And starting tomorrow, you will be working in the kitchen. Wendy will fill you in later.” 


Harper cried abruptly, My King, while Janet is still here, there is something I want to ask you. About our wedding.” 

Again?Lance rolled his eyes, Go ask the wedding planners. I paid those people a shit load to save myself from all these troubles-” 

Yet Harper persisted anyway, I want to invite my parents to our wedding! They will want to be here for me when I get crowned as the queen!” 

Janet raised her eyebrow

Hellen and Paul

Well, wasn’t this a nice surprise

She hadn’t heard from the Diaz again since she left the Riverside Pack


Lance roared

We are at war with the Riverside Pack, you idiot! Do you know how much trouble it will be to sneak our parents across the border? No! Absolutely NOT! I don’t want to waste my manpower on this!” 

But Janet can go!Harper cried defiantly, She can go to the Riverside Pack and bring my parents here. It is my parent that we are talking about! I want them to be here for my wedding!” 

Are you fucking insane?! She will never come back once she leaves!” 

No, I have a micro bomb implanted in her choker! She will absolutely come back! I am not doing the wedding unless my parents are here!” 

FINE! I will not be threatened. This marriage is over now!” 

Janet let out a cold sneer


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