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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 

The Queen’s mother

Wearing fake

It was such a scandal

Some of the guests tonight were already unhappy with the choice of the Queen. They didn’t think an outsider like Harper deserved to marry their King, especially since that she was an outsider without any title or power

If they heard that the queen’s mother was carrying a fake handbag, they would definitely laugh their asses off

And it would piss Harper off greatly

Harper was the queen now. Hellen didn’t want to upset her powerful daughter

Janet stared at Hellen and chuckled, So, are we going to have a problem?” 

Hellen swallowed, NNo.” 

And your drinks?” 

Paul grabbed a glass and quickly took a sip, It is fine.” 

Good.Janet smiled

They couple didn’t dare to say anything else. But they kept darting angry glares at Janet

Just then, a servant by the door announced loudly

-Ladies and gentlemen, The King and the Queen!” 

The heavy double door swung open with the organ pealing solemnly in the background. All guests turned around and looked towards the entrance

Lance and Harper walked in holding hands

Harper had changed out of her wedding gown and was now wearing an elegant, floorlength gown made from sumptuous, rosecolored silk

The gown fitted at the waist and featured a deep Vneckline and was adorned with handembroidered lance detailing that shimmered in the light

The long, flowing skirt added a touch of drama and sophistication

She accessorized with a statement necklace made from diamonds and pearls, which sparkled against the skin

Each of those diamonds was the size of a quail egg 

Applause broke out in the ballroom. Harper smiled and nodded to all directions, her face radiant with delight and complacency

That is my daughter!Paul said loudly amidst the applause, See? My daughter is the queen. I am your King’s fatherinlaw!” 

Compared to Harper’s thrilled expression, Lance seemed less excited

He held Harper’s hand walking to the center of the ballroom and announced in a dull


-I present you, my Queen, Harper Diaz.” 

He let go of Harper’s hand as soon as he said that

The crowd applauded again. Many guests came forward to talk to the King and his newly crowned Queen

Paul and Hellen immediately abandoned their drinks on the counter and blended into the crowd

Coming through!Paul cried, pushing himself through

Hellen giggled stupidly behind his back, Make way for the King’s mother and fatherinlaw!” 

The crowd parted and they got up to the front

My King!Paul bowed to Lance in a dramatic manner, It is such an honor to finally meet you. Harper said so many nice things about you” 

Mr. Diaz,Lance nodded nonchalantly

And the wedding!Hellen picked up the topic and gasped, The wedding is just absolutely gorgeous! Oh my, I have never attended a fancier wedding before- 

It is fancy because it cost a fortune,said a voice behind their back

People looked to their back and saw Morgana walking up to them in a flamingred long gown, looking absolutely stunning

She had a mask over her face to cover the hideous birthmark on her face

My King.” 

Morgana curtseyed to Lance casually and completely ignored Harper’s presence. Hellen darted this beautiful woman a hostile glare, What do you mean cost a fortune? My soninlaw here is the King! He owns the entire rogue kingdom. Of course, he can afford it. It is so ungraceful of you to talk about money here, on my dear daughter’s wedding!” 

Morgana slowly turned to look at this woman

This woman, and the man stood by her, were her birth parents

The people who had abandoned her, coldbloodedly

She had been preparing for this day since she heard that Harper was bringing her parents to this wedding

Hatred burned in her eyes behind the mask

These two deserved to rot in hell

On the contrary, money is exactly what we need to talk about.” 

Morgana crossed her arms and let out a sneer: 

Every penny spent on this wedding comes from our national treasury. Your daughter insisted on having the best stuff on everything: brandnew silk bedsheet for everyone, tailored made guest nightrobes, redecorating the entire palace

exquisite jewelries for herselfWe even paid for your clothes and accessories for tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz

I have never seen the bill,Lance said with a frown. How much in total?” 

50 million,Morgana said coolly

50 fucking million?!” 

Lance raised his voice furiously, Why haven’t I heard about this before? Are we going to fucking drain our national treasury for this fucking wedding?!” 

Morgana shrugged, I showed this bill to the Queen. Apparently, she believed that this is a money worth spending.” 

Harper’s cheeks seemed to be on fire

She gasped urgently to defend herself, II know it is a lot. But this is our wedding! Once in a lifetime! 50 million is nothing compared to its significance” 

You are the one to say!Lance glared at her, I already took me enough manpower to get your parents across the border. And 50 million spent on one night?! You have never contributed a single penny to this kingdom!” 

Harper looked as though she just got slapped at the face

This was her big night. And every guest was staring at her. She could see the mockery in their eyes

She couldn’t be humiliated. At least not tonight

Can you stop now?she gritted, Many of my friends in Riverside Pack spent millions on their weddings. How come I didn’t see their husbands complain?” 

Lance sneered, Oh now you think Riverside Pack is better? Then why don’t you go back there and see if Daran still wants you as his Luna?” 

Light snickers could be heard from the crowd

Most guests were gloating over Harper

None of them liked her very much

Morgana added, Oh. And I do remember you saying that the bride’s side will be paying for half of this wedding, correct? So when can I receive that check from you?” 

Harper gulped nervously

But she couldn’t back down from this fight

She puffed her chest and snorted arrogantly, 25 million is nothing for my family! Mom, dad, write her a check” 

Paul and Hellen widened their 



BBut darlingHellen lowered her voice, her face flaming red. We don’t have that kind of money” 

Paul nodded, Yeah. Remember the tax issue we had in Riverside Pack? We haven’t sorted that problem yetKing Lance even paid out transportation to the border” 

All our houses and cars were confiscated by Daran’s Financial MinisterHellen scratched her head, We were actually wondering if you could arrange a place for us to stay at heresince we lost our house back home” 

Harper widened her eyes, mortified

How was this even possible?! 

Hold on a second, are your family broke?Morgana raised an eyebrow, Then how come when I brought the money issue to you, you told me not to worry about the money since your family wealth exceeded my imagination? Are those just big words?” 

The crowd jeered


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