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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 


Janet’s jaw dropped. She was rendered speechless

Westin did tell her that one of his men would come and pick her up at the wedding

But he didn’t say whom exactly

Janet thought that it would be a servant, or probably a guardBur Sir Edwin? The Lycan?! 

Her eyes widened as she realized another matter

Wait, if Edwin was the Lycan and he was Westin’s guy, didn’t it mean that- 

Westin is Lycan?!she blurted out, utterly shocked

Edwin smiled

He put a finger over his lips and whispered, Shush. Few people knew about Westin’s 

real identity. We want to keep it that way.” 

Janet’s head was a mess

A million thoughts whizzed through her head

No wonder Westin had kept his mouth shut about his identity in front of them the whole time

The Lycan was nothing but a myth to them. Even if he admitted it, they would not believe in his words

And something else just hit Janet

During the oneonone battle between Daran and Westin, Westin chose not to shift into his wolf

Janet thought it was because he couldn’t

But the truth might be the other way around: he could. But if he shifted, his wolf would give away his identity instantly

Because the Lycans looked differently than the werewolves

But why did he go undercover?Janet asked after a long pause, The rogues recognized your reign. You could have just given Lance the order for whatever you are trying to do here. What was Westin after?” 

Edwin shrugged with a faint smile

The rouges don’t recognize our reign. They are afraid of us. That is all. But even with fear, they still dare to do all kinds of things behind our backs. The sort of things that they would never admit to in front of our faces. Westin went undercover to put a stop to those things.” 

But what kind of those things? Does it have anything to do with the supreme power and The Kingthat Lance told Daran about-” 


Edwin spread his hands and smiled, I am happy to spend a whole night answering your questions, which I am sure you have a lot. But I think you better ask Westin about those questions yourself. And if we are to meet him in time, we better hurry

The time is limited.” 

Janet looked at him, quietly weighing the current situation

I have one more question,she said

Edwin gave her a polite smile

What will happen after you take me out of the city?” 

Well, we can send you back to the other side of the border, if that is what your prefer. But even we can’t predict how the situation will exacerbate. If the worst thing 

happens, a war breaks out, then we would want to keep you somewhere safe-” 

And where is that?Janet asked skeptically

By our King’s side.Edwin grinned, He and his royal guards will keep you safe.” 

A Lycan King

Janet frowned, I don’t even know your King. Hell, I didn’t even know you people existed till this very day! Are you sure that he is willing to protect me?” 

A bizarre smile flickered across Edwin’s eyes, Oh, I think he will be more than willing. Thrilled, if you ask me.” 

He checked the time, Now it is a quarter to 8. I scheduled to leave the city before 10. Do you need to go somewhere? To pack some stuff perhaps?” 

I want to go back to my room and get changed,Janet said. She was still dressed in her maid uniform with an apron

Of course. Then please meet me in the woods near the South Gate. I will be waiting.” 

Edwin flashed her a blink and then walked away

Janet turned on her heels and dashed out of the ballroom

The corridor was packed with hovering guests. The guards tried to ask them to leave and go back to their separate rooms. But the guests remained outside of the ballroom and kept discussing enthusiastically about what happened tonight.. 

Do you think the King will hang his mate for that?a girl asked her friends when Janet passed by

I am not sure. Sleeping around is demeaning, yes, but not a crime,her friend said

But humiliating the King is a crime.” 

Whatever. All I know is that Harper is doomed. There is no way she will remain as the Queen.” 

Janet pushed herself through the crowd and left those chatters behind her

She came down to the basement and ran to her room

It was total chaos at the maid’s dormitory as well, with people running around sharing gossip and the supervisors screaming at their subordinates, asking them to clean up the mess upstairs

Nobody noticed Janet in this chaos. The guards sent to watch over her were nowhere. to be found

Everything was working perfectly according to the plan 

Everything was working perfectly according to the plan

Janet came into her room and locked the door behind her

She peeled off her maid’s uniform, tossed it on the ground, and pulled her sportswear out of the closet

Right as she was slipping on her leggings, she heard a knock on the door

Janet held her breath

Who could it be

Was it the guards? Coming to make sure that she remained in this palace

Just when she was hesitating whether or not to answer, a voice came from the other side of the door

It is me


Janet bit her lips, staring at the closed door

It is OK. You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to.He said deeply behind the door, But I know that you are in there. So just listen.‘ 

Janet took in a deep breath and stayed in silence

Lance had given me the details. He said that for someone to become The King, a certain ritual is required. This ritual takes both me and him to work. And he is asking me to meet with him right now.” 

What ritual

Janet screamed internally

Did you trust Lance on this? What if he hurt you?! 

She wanted to scream at Daran for acting recklessly and stupidly

But she fought with herself and remained quiet

Daran continued in a hoarse voice, I don’t know how this ritual will work. I guess the only way to find out is to go by myself. I know we had our differences, Janet. But 

I still believe that this is the solution to all problems. If I succeed tonight and become The King, I will order all rogues to never tramp our borders-” 

But what if you fail?Janet interrupted him abruptly, her voice shaking

There was a short pause

Then he spoke up in a hoarse voice, It is nice to hear your voice again before I leave.” 

Answer my question!Janet snapped, raising her voice. What will happen if you fail?” 

It won’t come to that. I will pave my way back to you with the skeleton of our enemies if I have to,he said solemnly

Yet that didn’t ease her off

It deepened her worries instead

So it was indeed dangerous

He wouldn’t use those phrases if it wasn’t dangerous


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