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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 

Something had happened to Casper

And judging by Eden’s reaction, it must be something serious

Where is he!Janet snapped

In his own roomWait for me, Gamma Janet!” 

Yet Janet had already pushed him aside and rushed into the packhouse. She vaguely heard Daran’s voice calling her room from behind, but she didn’t have time to stop 

for him

Janet dashed across the hallway, up the staircase, and headed directly toward the Alpha’s suite, ignoring the puzzled glances of soldiers and maids

A group of people were gathered by the door of Alpha’s suite when Janet arrived. There were doctors, and maids carrying trays of food and beverages

Gamma Janet!some gasped upon seeing her, You are back!” 

Janet walked up to them, slightly out of breath, What is going on?” 

We tried knocking, but the Alphahe won’t let us in.” 

He refuses any treatments,the doctor sighed

And he hasn’t eaten in 3 days.” 

Janet clenched her teeth

She had never seen Casper behave like this before

Her brother was very mature. Locking himself in his own bedroom and refusing to talk to anyone didn’t seem like him

The maid bit her lips and said, We were just talking about if we should unlock the door with the key but Alpha probably won’t be happyWhat are you doing, Gamma Janet?” 

She gasped seeing Janet reeled back a few steps

Back down.” 

Janet said coldly, her eyes fixing on the door

Then she dashed forward, jumped up in the air, and kicked on the door with one leg

The lock snapped

The entire door panel crushed to the floor with a loud bang, followed by shocked gasps from the maids and doctors

But But the Alpha clearly said no interruptionthe maid stuttered

Well, he can blame his misbehaved sister later.” 

Janet dusted her clothes and took over the food, Thank you. Let me have a moment with my brother.” 

She stepped into Casper’s room alone

The first thing that she noticed was the heavy scent of alcohol hanging thick in the 


Janet held her breath in disbelief

He was fucking drunk?! 

The curtains were drawn, shutting out the daylight and casting the space into a suffocating darkness

A faint glow from the lamp was the only light source

With the dim light, Janet saw empty bottles scattered across the floor, booze spilled. The room reeked with despair

Janet’s heart sank as she spotted her brother, Casper, lying on the cold floor, cuddling a halfgone bottle of vodka

He looked fuck up

His cheeks were unnaturally red as though he was in a fever. He must have not showered or shaved in days, looking more like a homeless than a mighty Alpha


Janet snapped as she crossed the room and grabbed Casper by the collar, yanking him up from the floor

Wake up!” 

Casper mumbled something vaguely

He opened his eyes a bit and looked up. But he couldn’t get his eyes into focus

Janet?he murmured. YYou are back?” 

Janet’s heart was filled with a mix of concern and anguish

Yeah, I am back. I called you a week ago. Remember? What the hell happened? Why are you doing this to yourself?she snapped

Casper blinked, looking confused, AA week ago? No, it isn’t rightWhatWhat date is today?” 

Janet gritted

She grabbed a glass of juice and poured the whole glass down Casper’s head

Casper shivered at the icecold juice and snapped his eyes open, Hey!” 

Better?Janet dumped the empty glass on the floor, Now tell me what happened.” 

Casper rubbed his face and let out a heavy sigh

He was perked up a bit but still looked very exhausted with his messy hair and bloodshot eyes

I am sorry. I should be at the front gate to welcome you back.he said hoarsely

But there is a welcome home party later. I promise I will be there-” 

Janet couldn’t hear his nonsense anymore

She raised her hand and- 


A red slap mark appeared on Casper’s cheek

WHAT THE FUCK!!!Casper snarled after a brief moment of daze

We are not leaving this room until you tell me what happened.” 

Janet looked down at him coldly, Does it have something to do with Balvina?Balvina wasn’t at the front door to welcome her back 

She sensed something was wrong

Casper’s reaction told her that she made the correct guess. He buried his face into his palms and let out a light sob, She is gone” 

Gone?Janet rounded her eyes, What do you mean gone? Did she leave? Or abducted by anyone?” 

I fucking don’t know!” 

Casper growled, pulling his own hair in frustration, I don’t know! FuckWe were having dinner one night as usual and we even kissed each other goodnight before heading back to our own roombut the next morning, she just vanished from her 

own room

Any luggage?” 

Casper shook his head, She didn’t take anything. It looked as though she went out for a walk and just never came back” 

Janet wanted to give her dickhead brother another hard slap across his face

So your big solution is to get yourself drunk?! You should be out there searching for her! What if she is in danger right now? And you won’t be able to save her because you are fucking wasted!” 

I have searched for her!!Casper roared, I turned the entire city upside down but NO! No sign of her at all! I went into the mountain but stillMaybe she grew tired of me, Janet. Maybe she wanted to leave” 

Janet shoved him to the floor and turned striding towards the door

More people were gathered by the end of the hallway. Maids, doctors, soldiers, EdenEven Daran and Westin were here

Gamma Janet!the doctor rushed forward seeing Janet come out, Does Alpha need any medical treatment- 

He fucking looks fine to me,Janet said icily

What happened?Daran asked with a frown

Janet let out a frustrated sigh, Casper got himself hammered because Balvina was gone. I am just worried about her safety right now” 


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