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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 

Balvina let out a loud snort

Me? Leaving Casper? It was the other way around! That fucking dickhead dumped me!” 

She paused and let out a small sigh, No he is your brother….sorry if it offends you.No, not at all. You have every right.” 

Yet Janet was confused

She remembered Casper telling her that everything between them was perfectly fine. They even had dinner that night and kissed each other good night

So who was lying

Let’s dial back a bit. How did he dump you exactly?Janet asked

Balvina slumped onto the mattress, looking frustrated, A couple of days ago we were having dinnerAnd out of nowhere, he told me that he wasn’t happy with our current relationship and wanted to end itI know that we are not in a serious and exclusive relationship, and he has always been a playboyBut the way he said it to meit was like he was my boss! And was simply informing me of his decision! He didn’t even care what I think! Ugh, that jerk!” 

She heaved a heavy breath and hit the mattress with one fist, I should have punched him before I left!” 

Janet walked up to her and sat down on the mattress as well

I think you should definitely do that,she said

Do what?” 

Punch him in the face. A hard one. Better knock off his teeth or break his nose

Hold on a second,Balvina looked at her, confused, It is your brother that we are talking about, right?” 

Exactly. But so what? I hate those Judas men as much as you do. One moment they said that you were his one and only lover, and the next moment they changed their heart and turned their backs on you completely. It is disgusting.” 

Daran instantly sensed that Janet was talking about him

He touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment and wanted to say something but got interrupted by Balvina’s voice

I know! Right? If you didn’t mean those words, just don’t say it the first time! Men are full of bullshits.” 

Which is why I think you should go back and confront him about it,Janet said. Why should you be the one avoiding him? It isn’t fair. Go back, march in, and give him a hot, fat slap. It is therapeutic, I promise you.” 

Balvina hesitated

She looked at Janet and asked in a skeptical voice, Hold on a second. This isn’t a trick to get me back, is it?” 

Of course not. I will personally escort you out after you vent your fume,Janet promised solemnly

Balvina sat in silence for another few seconds and then cried abruptly, Fuck it! You are right. He is the jerk. I should make him avoid me!” 

She leaned over to hug Janet, groaning, Ugh it is so nice to have you back. I have got nobody to talk to. And I am sorry. I should be at the front gate today welcoming you back.” 

Don’t worry about it.” 

Janet patted her shoulder, After you sort this out, we can have our own party.” 

They stood up and headed towards the door

Daran grabbed Janet’s arm and stopped her when she passed by him

Those Judas men… 

He said in a hushed voice, leaning close to her ears

Were you talking about me specifically?” 

Janet let out a light snort, What do you think?” 

I think you were

Then what are you going to do about it?Janet raised her eyelids and looked him in the eyes defiantly. Apologize again? Explain your reasons. Try sweettalking me? We have past that point, Daran.” 

Then how about a little violence?” 

He suggested in a hoarse voice, You asked Balvina to hit Casper in the face to vent her anger. You can do the same to me. You can keep going till you are happy, no matter how many punches it takes. I promise I won’t dodge.” 

His hot breath spread on the back of her neck, sending an electric current down her spine

She hated her body for having this reaction every time he got close

And she hated her heart for beating so quickly every time he stopped being a jerk. Don’t forget what he did to you

She warned herself internally

He was a cold, manipulative, heartless monster. Remember that

What you did to me almost killed me.She said icily, So a few punches won’t do the trick.” 

She shoved him aside and marched out of the apartment in long strides

When they got back to the packhouse, it was almost dusk

Casper was in the dining hall overseeing the maids and servants decorating the room for tonight’s dinner party

He still looked beaten up, in a very serious hangover

When he saw Balvina walking into the dining hall with Janet and Daran, he jumped up at once, his mouth dropped in shock


He roared, dashing across the room like a gush of wind, and went straight at Balvina, Where the fuck have you-” 


Balvina welcomed him with a hot, fat slap across the face

The sound of that slap echoed across the hall, freezing everyone in their spots

Maids and servants rounded their eyes in horror seeing the burning slap mark on their Alpha’s face

You bastard!Balvina clenched her fists and snarled, You seriously think you can do better after dumping me?! You are wrong! Nobody can stand a dickhead as you are!” 

Wait a second, I-” 

Screw around all you like! Be a fuckboy! Play the field! I don’t care! Just wear a fucking condom next time!!!” 



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