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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 

Judging by the testimony and the butler’s shifty reaction, Janet could be sure that Lord Rolf had something to do with this

But he just denied it, firmly

Janet had known this man for years

To be completely honest, he didn’t strike her as somebody who would lie bluntly in front of everyone’s face for some jewelry

So what was really going on here

Janet took in a deep breath to calm herself and then said, But this man that we caught this criminalsaid that you are behind everything, Lord Rolf. He said that he is a mercenary and is hired by you

She looked down at the mercenary knelt on the ground, Tell them everything that you said to me in the car.” 

Half of the mercenary’s body was covered in blood

He shivered in fear and stuttered in a shaky voice, II was hired! The commission fee was 10 grand for hijacking the shipment and another 10 grand for bringing it back to Lord Rolf’s mansion. A letter was sent to us, giving us detailed instructions, like when the delivery truck would arrive, and which route the truck would takeThe letter even has Lord Rolf’s family crest on it!” 

Do you still have the letter? Can I see it?Janet asked

The mercenary nodded hastily and pulled out a piece of paper from his inner jacket

It was true

Lord Rolf’s family crest was indeed on the letter

Janet presented the letter to everyone, I think we have found some hard proofs. here.” 

Lord Rolf took a quick glance at the letter and let out a snort

You expect to convict me with a single letter?he snapped, And this mercenary. had never met with their employer. Am I right?” 

The mercenary gulped nervously, No I haven’tjust this letter” 

There you have it! It means that anyone could pretend to be me. This family crest is 

most likely forged!” 

There was a deep furrow between Janet’s brows, Yes that is a possibility. But we found those mercenaries in your mansion! That is a fact that you cannot deny! Who let them into your house?” 

It wasn’t me!the butler cried, I don’t know whombut clearly our lord is being framed!” 

Then why wouldn’t you let me search your house earlier!” 

The butler glared at Janet, I was trying to protect my lady! Lady Priya has been sick for years and doesn’t like to be disturbed by strangers. Are you going to blame me for simply doing my job?” 

Janet bit her lips

She felt cornered

She had a gut feeling that there was something wrong with the butler and the Rolf family

Yet she couldn’t prove it

Alright. Alright.” 

Casper clapped his hands and silenced the agitated crowd, trying to be the peacemaker here, Looks like there are some misunderstandings. We have the safe back, which is all that matters. Why don’t we drop this for now and pick it up some other day? It is getting pretty late-” 

No! I won’t have it!Lord Rolf said in a harsh tone, With all due respect, Alpha Casper, you did a great job running this pack, but you have indulged your sister’s behavior for too long! Yes, she is our heroine. But look whom she has brought back here? The Lycans? The rogues?! She invited the enemy into our house! And now she is accusing decent members of things that we didn’t do! Do you call this just and fair?!” 

His angry accusation echoed in the air

Many guests stood in silence

But the look on their faces showed that they agreed with Lord Rolf’s words

Janet clenched her fists in fume, The Lycans mean no harm to us. And as for the rogues, we have made peace with them already-” 

Who is this we? you can’t make our decisions for us!Lord Rolf snarled, The rogues slaughtered our members and killed our soldiers. I will never put that behind me!” 

Casper interrupted him with a sullen face, You are getting off the point, Lord Rolf. I respect your personal opinion. But you can’t blame Janet for inviting her friends.” 

I don’t care!” 

Lord Rolf puffed his chest, I want Princess Janet to apologize to me and my daughter! Or Blood Moon Pack will lose my family’s support!‘ 

Casper’s face darkened

He looked infuriated by Rolf’s threat 

Janet, on the other hand, felt a bit lightheaded

She hadn’t slept or eaten in a whole day

And now there was this

Maybe she was being recklessshe should haven’t found some hard proof before accusing Lord Rolf in front of everyone

Now things were getting out of control 

Although she was certain that Casper would back her up, she didn’t want to put Casper in that position

So maybe she should apologize 

Can I have that letter for a moment?Westin said abruptly

Janer blinked in a daze. Then handed him the letter

Westin sniffed the letter and grinned

He walked up to Lord Rolf’s daughter, Lady Priya

Back away from my daughter, Lycan!Lord Rolf hissed

Westin put his hands up in the air, showing that he was harmless, Relax. I simply want to introduce myself to you and your daughter. Priya, isn’t it? What a lovely Dame.” 

He picked up Priya’s delicate hand and elegantly planted a kiss on the back of her hand, My name is Westin Nice to meet you.” 

Priya stared at his handsome face

A pink tinge appeared on her pale cheeks

Nice to meet you,she murmured sheepishly

Forgive me, but I couldn’t help but notice your perfume.Westin stared at her with a charming smile, It is quite unique. I haven’t found anybody else to wear it besides you.” 

Priya’s eyes gleamed joyfully, You haven’t because I designed my own perfume. It is the one and only kind in the whole world.” 


The smile on Westin’s lips widened as he asked, So you are the only person in this world who smells like this?” 

Priya nodded, Yes. That is right.” 

Westin chuckled

He stepped back, holding the letter up high in the air, and announced to the entire crowd, Then I guess we have found the proofThis letter smells exactly like Lady Priya’s perfume!” 


People gasped in unison, including Lord Rolf

The shy smile faded away from Priya’s face instantly, replaced by a panicked look

Westin handed the letter to Casper and let the letter be passed around the crowd, The smell is faint. But it is there.” 

Casper sniffed the letter


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