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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 195

chapter 195 

Janet held her breath, feeling his hot lips against her forehead

As reluctant as she liked to admit, her heart skipped a beat

Just then, a voice came from around the corner


Both of them froze

It was Westin’s voice

Janet, are you there? I think I have heard your voice.” 

Westin’s voice came a bit closer

Janet could already see his shadow cast on the ground and he was about to come around the corner- 

She wanted to answer

But Daran clutched a hand to her mouth and dragged her behind a tree

Westin stepped out, looking around

He didn’t see anyone in this small yard, only the empty swing swaying in the night breeze

Daran and Janet stood in the shadow of the leaves quietly, facetoface with each other

Janet glared at him, her eyes round with anger

She tried to break free from him, but he held her tightly

Don’t move,he murmured in a voice that only the two of them could hear

Westin stood there for a few more seconds and then turned around and left

Janet finally gathered the strength to shove Daran aside

What the fuck are you doing!she growled furiously at him

Help you avoid him.” 

Who said I want to avoid him? Maybe I want to talk to- 

No, you don’t,he said firmly, One thing I can tell from your reaction tonight is that you hated his wolf.” 

No, I don’t hate it-” 

But you are reminded of how drastically different he is from us

Janet took in a deep breath

Sometimes she hated how perceptive Daran was

Yet she hated it even more when Daran made her decision for her

You know nothing about how I feel, Daran,she said coldly, And let me tell you this: you are losing at this competition. Because I find Westin very charming and attractive, whereas you are just an egoistic jerk

She turned around abruptly and stormed away without another look at his face

<hr/>The next few days went by quite uneventful

Not because those two men stopped competing with each other, But because Janet had been hiding in Balvina’s room, doing everything she could to avoid them

You know you can’t hide from them forever, right?Balvina asked

Morgana shrugged, Or maybe she can. She is the Blood Moon Pack’s Alpha’s sister slash Gamma. The Rogue King is her former subordinate. She has hundreds of thousands of soldiers at her command. She can very well tell those two guys to fuck off if she likes.” 

Janet rolled her eyes, YeahTell them to fuck off and start a world war? I don’t think so.” 

The three of them were lying on lounge chairs on the balcony, enjoying the warm afternoon sun with glasses of iced tea by their hands, while the maids painted their toenails

Morgana just came back from a 3day trip with Kass. Kass had shown her the place where he grew up

Balvina was a little skeptical of Morgana when Janet first introduced them

But they were quick to become friends after finding a mutual interest in rock music and hunting

So, whisper to us, Janet.” 

Morgana took a sip of her iced tea and said, Among those two men, who are taking the lead right now?” 

Janet sighed, it is still a tie.” 

Still?Morgana gasped, I heard those two men busted their asses off trying to please you. Daran got on the ground and cupped dirt. Westin switched into his wolf for a couple of little thieves. And you still haven’t decided yet?” 

She is a hard person to please,Balvina echoed

Hey! You aren’t being fair!Janet protested, You are the one who gave me a limited time of 2 weeks and asked me to make the decision of a lifetime. I am under a lot of pressure.” 


Morgana sat up from her lounge chair and looked at Janet, dead serious

Let us do a little game. Lightening rounds!she said

OK,Janet sat up straight as well

Flat or high heels?” 


Chardonnay or Pinot Noir?” 

Pinot Noir!” 

Gun or sword?” 


Daran or Westin?” 


She uttered the first syllable, and the rest of that word froze on the tip of her tongue

Morgana clapped her hands, excited, Balvina, you heard it, didn’t you? She was about to say Westin. You like Westin better!” 

Balvina nodded hastily, Yeah! But why did you stop yourself, Janet? Were you shocked by your own answer?” 

Janet threw herself back to the lounge chair. letting out a long sigh

NoI know I am attracted to Westin. But the thing is-” 

She rubbed her temples, frustrated

Every time I want to make up my mind and go for Westin, a siren goes off in my head, like I am making a terrible mistake. Like just now, I wanted to say Westin’s name, but my brain stopped meWhat is wrong with me?” 

Balvina and Morgana exchanged a look

I think you are just scared by your answer,Balvina said. You knowbecause he is 

a Lycan.” 

Janet nodded in silence

She guessed that was true

Westin’s wolf spooked her

And his homeland… 

Who knew where the hell was that

I guess I am leaning towards WestinBut if I were to choose him, I have to be absolutely certain.Janet said, He will want me to go to the Lycan’s land with him. I need to be sure that he is worth me doing that for him.” 

Well, can’t you discuss this with him? See if he will stay here. You can’t leave Blood Moon Pack, Janet,Balvina said urgently

I will. But I doubt that he will say yes….he is the Lycan King, nevertheless. He can’t stay in the werewolf land forever.” 

Balvina let out a frustrated groan

Morgana placed both of her hands underneath her head and gazed at the 


crystalclear blue sky

And you have to break this sad news to poor Daran. Imagine the heartbroken look. on his face. He will be devastatedCan I stay and observe while you reject him? I promise I won’t make a sound.” 

Janet imagined the look on Daran’s face when she rejected him and felt a sharp pain. coursing through her body

She didn’t want to see that defeated and vulnerable look on his face again

And she didn’t want to hurt him

But she didn’t have a choice right now

Whoever she chose, the other one would get hurt. That was something that she could not avoid

Don’t say anything to him just yet.” 

Janet said to Morgana in a deep voice, I haven’t fully made my decision yet. And when I do, I want to do the talking myself. Maybe I can soften the blow.” 

Morgana shrugged, Sure. It is your call.” 

A servant came out to the balcony and bowed to the three of them, Luna Balvina, Princess Janet, and Lady Morgana, afternoon. Alpha Daran and King Westin requested to see you.” 

Speaking of the devil,Morgana giggled

You have avoided them for too long. They are here to see you, Janet,Balvina said and then turned to the servant. Send them in.” 

The servant nodded and left

Moments later, he returned with Daran and Westin behind his back

Afternoon ladies. What a beautiful day,Westin grinned

I hope that I am not intruding,Daran said

You are not

Balvina sat up straight and looked at the two of them, Actually, I might need your help for something.” 


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