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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 

It was almost 12 o’clock at night

When Daran stepped into the packhouse’s lobby, he was immediately welcomed by

hectic crowd

There was a worried and tensed expression on every maid and servant’s face

Casper stood in the center of the crowd, with Balvina by his side, and was roaring at 

the soldiers

-I don’t fucking care how you find her! You can search the mountain and turn this pack upside down and it is fine with me! JUST FUCKING FIND HER!!!” 

Daran’s face tensed immediately

What is going on?Morgana cried behind Daran’s back

Casper clenched his fists and gritted, Janet is missing.” 

Morgana rounded her eyes, What do you mean missing? She was at the vineyard yesterday with me! And Daran told me that she drove back by herself earlier today. Where has she been since

We wished that we knew!Balvina said with a frustrated face, The surveillance camera captured her going into the back mountain a couple of hours ago. But there has been no sign of her since.” 

Daran pulled out his phone and wanted to try Janet’s number

But Casper stopped him, Don’t bother. We tried that already. At first, it just kept ringing. Then her phone was turned off.” 

That was definitely odd

Why would Janet turn off her phone

Let’s not get too wired up.Morgana said, trying to ease up people’s nerves, She went into the mountain, right? Maybe she went hiking. Let’s see if she comes back. tomorrow morning.” 

But hiking during the night? Without letting anyone know? It doesn’t sound like her!Casper said urgently

Anxiety boiled up in Daran’s chest

He found this strange as well

Then he thought back to the note that she left him on the pillow, which read

Don’t want to wake you up. I am heading back to the packhouse first. Something I need to deal with. Come and find me when you are back. Love, Janet

Something she needed to deal with… 

Daran snapped his head up and hissed, Where the hell is Westin!” 

Blank shock showed in people’s faces

WWe didn’t see him,Balvina stuttered

A soldier stepped up and said, We searched the Lycan’s room earlier. Didn’t find Princess Janet there.” 

What about Westin and his own men?Daran pursued

The soldier shook his head, Their rooms are all empty. No sign of King Westin, nor his men.‘ 

What the fuck-Casper cried

Janet came back to talk to Westin,Daran said in a hurried voice. She is ending things with him. If their conversation didn’t go well-” 

Balvina covered her mouth with her hands, You think he will hurt her?!” 

How dare he!Casper roared furiously, This is the Blood Moon Pack! I don’t fucking care if he is a Lycan! I will skin him alive if he touches my sister!!” 

Just then, Kass strode into the lobby with a group of soldiers behind him

I searched the mountain. I didn’t find Janet,he said hastily. But this guy said that he knew something.” 

He called to the soldiers, and they brought up a steward

The steward seemed panicstricken. He dropped to his knees and cried in a shaky voice, II talked to Princess Janet around dusk” 

Why didn’t you say something sooner!Casper rushed forward and grabbed the steward’s collar, What did she say?!” 

She asked me where King Westin wasI told her that King Westin went into the back mountain, and she said that she would go find him” 

This confirmed Daran’s word

Janet was really with Westin before she went missing

Search for Westin!!Casper yelled, Find the Lycans! NOW!” 

I have my men on it already.” 

Kass looked up from his phone with an anxious face, “They just reported backThe surveillance camera captured a car leaving the packhouse and heading down south 2 hours ago… 

They took Janet away!Balvina shrieked angrily

Daran turned on his heels abruptly and dashed to the front door

Rage and hatred clouded his mind


When he found that son of a bitch, he would fucking KILL HIM

<hr/>Janet woke up from the slumber with a splitting headache and found herself in the back of a truck

Memory from before she passed out came back to her gradually

And she remembered, the conversation she had with Westin, how he hit her on the neck and knocked her out

She tried to sit up

But then she found that both of her hands and feet were tied up with ropes. There was also duct tape on her mouth, keeping her from crying out for help

She also got a bitter taste in her mouth. Probably wolfsbane. To keep her from shifting

Fury surged up in her chest


Where was that fucking jerk taking her?! 

She used her knees and elbows to crawl forward and approached the back door of the 

truck. The door rattled as the car drove forward and there was a crack between the doors

She narrowed her eyes and peeked through that narrow crack

They were driving down a freeway


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