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Kidnapped and Rejected The Return of Alpha’s Luna (Janet and Daran) novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

Janet’s back became stiff

Slowly, she turned around to face him

You have been watching me the whole time?she asked in a cold voice

Westin gave her a crooked smile, I didn’t want to stop you from your daily exercise

You have slept for days. It is good to stretch out a bit.” 

Janet suppressed the temptation to slap him, Why did I circle back here? I ran straight ahead!” 

You thought you ran straight ahead. But the fog in these mountains had its own power. Outsiders are bound to get lost. Only Lycans know the way around it.” 

Janet bit her lips in frustration


No wonder Westin untied her

Now she couldn’t escape even if she managed to find a moment alone

Speaking of which-” 

Westin caught her chin, raised her head up, and stared into her eyes, Do you know that Daran just became the Werewolf King?” 

Janet was stunned, What?” 

That is right. I just got a message back from my man, saying that he officially crowned himself earlier today. You see. He doesn’t really care about you that much. Once you are gone, he simply can’t wait to embrace his dear power.” 

Janet’s heart rate quickened for a short moment

But she quickly calmed herself down

You are wrong,she said

The cocky smile froze on Westin’s lips. How so?” 

Werewolf can’t track the Lycans. If Daran wants to find me, the only way is to become the Werewolf King first. He didn’t do it for the power. He did it for me.Westin’s face gradually darkened

You have a lot of confidence in him,he snorted

Of course because he is the man I love-” 

Westin tightened his grip on Janet’s chin abruptly

Do not say that you love him in front of me!he hissed

Janet stared back at him defiantly, Why? The mighty Lycan King can’t handle at little truth?” 

Just then, footsteps came from their backs

A group of Lycans emerged from the mist. Standing up front was Edwin

My King,Edwin said. The elders and Lady Agnes are expecting you at the castle’s front gate-” 

Not now!Westin growled

Edwin held his head down low

He and the other Lycans immediately drew back into the fog again

You should go,Janet looked at him coldly. Lady Agnes is waiting for you.” 

Westin let go of her chin

After a short pause, he spoke up in a businesslike tone, Let’s make a deal, Janet.” 

I am not interested in making any-” 

You will hear me out,he said forcefully. When I bring you in front of the elders later, I expect you to behave obediently. You will pretend that we are in love, and you 

can’t wait for us to mate.” 

Janet let out a loud, sarcastic laugh, And why would I do that?” 

Because there is no escape for you, whatsoever,Westin said grimly. Work with me, you will have my protection in the castle. Disobey me, I will leave you to be skinned alive by the Lycans. Let me warn yousome of my people are not very fond of you werewolves.” 

Janet narrowed her eyes

She could tell that Westin’s threat was real

And there was one thing that caught her attention particularly- 

Why do I need your protection in your own castle?she asked

Westin clicked his tongue but didn’t say anything

Janet continued, Let me guess, your home isn’t exactly a wonderland, is it

Someone is a threat to you, right? Possiblythe elders?” 

Westin crossed his arms, a defensive posture, Do you have to be such a knowitall 

the whole time?” 

When my life is in danger, I prefer to stay on top of things.” 

He let out a short laugh, I will fill you in about everything once we have a deal. So, Janet, do we have a deal?” 

Janet quietly evaluated the situation for a while

Only temporary.” 

She said eventually, I will put on an act with you in front of the elders. But you can’t force me to recognize the mate bond.” 

Fine.Westin shrugged, In the end, you will come around yourself.” 

His attitude was condescending and arrogant

He probably believed that Janet didn’t have any choice but to work with him now that she was in his hands

But Janet knew that the Lycan’s land wouldn’t hold her forever

Sooner or later, she would find a way out of this

She always did

They briefly shook hands on their temporary partnership

Westin blew a whistle. Edwin and the other Lycans stepped out of the fog again

Let us go,Westin said to them, hopping into the car

The car drove forward, deeper into the mist that hung over the rainforest

This time, Janet was granted the chance to sit in the passenger’s seat

She peered out of the car window

The winding mountain road clung to the slopes like a serpentine ribbon, carrying them further into the heart of the majestic peaks

The air grew crisper, and the scent of pine trees mingled with the distant aroma of wildflowers

Then, as if emerging from the very stone of the mountains, a grand castle appeared in the valley below

Janet couldn’t help but let out a little gasp of shock 

Pretty amazing, huh?Westin asked by her side

Janet kept her eyes on that approaching castle

She didn’t want to admit it

But it was the most amazing architecture she had seen so far

The castle stood like a sentinel, its spires reaching towards the heavens, and its walls 

adorned with intricate carvings

It seemed to defy gravity, nestled against the imposing backdrop of the peaks, and its towers touched the edges of the passing clouds

The setting sun bathed the castle in a warm, golden glow, casting a magical aural over the entire valley

Janet had seen many great architectures before

The exotic palace built on the wasteland of the Grace Ruin

See lanes could get a closer look at these people, a slim figure rushed in and threw herseli mie Weson’s arms

Wesamshe gasped a sweet voice

3 sout smile appeared on Westin’s is as he held that woman tightly. Agnes, Dow are your 1 heard that you were sick” 

Don’t Isten to them. I am ime I just really miss you. That is all ste subbed 

So this was the woman that Westim cared about the most 

James surveyed her 

She was dressed in a my long dress made of silk and lace. The skin fluttered in the hosen as she moved

Be skin was pale, almost ansturen. The jaimes flush of rose touched the desi 

langs could tell that she spent most of her in indoors

Bet Jeanines were reimed, each time and contour sculed with the precision of a mastet artisan 

High chestbones gave her an aristocratic elegance, and her onelike eyes pools of vulnerability, stacked with an intare swarmeSS 


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